Hazardous Weather Conditions
Last Update: 1225 PM CDT Mon Mar 31 2025
For More Weather Information:
21NM ESE Two Harbors MN
Marine Zone Forecast
Rest Of Today
West wind 5 to 10 knots becoming southwest late. Sunny. Waves 1 to 2 feet.
West wind 5 knots becoming northeast in the late evening and early morning, then becoming east early in the morning. Mostly clear. Waves 1 foot or less.
East wind 15 to 20 knots with gusts to around 25 knots. Mostly sunny in the morning then becoming mostly cloudy. Waves 1 to 2 feet building to 1 to 3 feet late in the afternoon.
Tuesday Night
East wind 20 to 25 knots. Gusts up to 25 knots increasing to 35 knots. Chance of snow through the night. Waves 4 to 6 feet. Waves occasionally to 7 feet. A gale warning may be needed.
note...wave height forecasts are for ice free areas.
note...wave height forecasts are for ice free areas.
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