Drought Information Statement

Click on the specific site below to view the Drought Information Statement product(s):
NWS Weather Forecast Office Identifier
AKQ - Wakefield, VA
APX - Gaylord, MI
ARX - La Crosse, WI
BOX - Boston, MA
CRP - Corpus Christi, TX
CYS - Cheyenne, WY
DLH - Duluth, MN
EWX - Austin/San Antonio, TX
GLD - Goodland, KS
GUM - Tiyan, Guam
HFO - Honolulu, HI
IND - Indianapolis, IN
IWX - Northern Indiana
LKN - Elko, NV
LOX - Los Angeles, CA
LWX - Sterling, VA
MAF - Midland/Odessa, TX
MOB - Mobile, AL
MRX - Knoxville/Tri Cities, TN
OAX - Omaha/Valley, NE
PDT - Pendleton, OR
PHI - Mt. Holly, NJ
PSR - Phoenix, AZ
PUB - Pueblo, CO
SGX - San Diego, CA
SLC - Salt Lake City, UT
TFX - Great Falls, MT
UNR - Rapid City, SD
VEF - Las Vegas, NV