Spot Forecast
Issued by NWS Topeka, KS
Issued by NWS Topeka, KS
814 FNUS73 KTOP 261237 FWSTOP SPOT FORECAST for Burgess...USFWS National Weather Service Topeka KS 737 AM CDT Wed Mar 26 2025 Forecast is based on ignition time of 0800 CDT on March 26. IF CONDITIONS BECOME UNREPRESENTATIVE...CONTACT THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE. .DISCUSSION... Winds will be light and variable for the next few hours, though primarily out of the east. Winds become more pronounced out of the southeast late morning and into the afternoon, peaking around 10 mph. Winds stay 5-10 mph overnight and gradually become more southerly. Relative humidity drops to around 35 percent by noon and 25 percent mid afternoon. Mixing steadily improves throughout the day, helping smoke dispersal. .REST OF TODAY... Sky/weather.........Sunny. Chance of pcpn......0 percent. Temperature.........42 at ignition...Max 73. RH..................82 percent at ignition...Min 26 percent. Wind (20 ft)........ Slope/valley.......Winds east at 5 mph at ignition...otherwise East winds 5 to 9 mph shifting to the southeast late in the afternoon. Mixing height.......400 ft AGL at ignition...otherwise 4400 ft AGL. Smoke dispersal.....Poor /3800 knot-ft/ at ignition. Max...good /55600 knot-ft/. TIME (CDT) 8AM 9AM 10A 11A 12P 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM Sky cover.......MCR PC PC PC PC PC MCR MCR CLR CLR Weather cov..... Weather type.... Tstm cov........ Chc of pcpn (%).0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Temp............42 47 54 58 62 65 68 71 72 73 RH..............82 69 52 46 36 31 28 26 27 27 20 FT wind dir..E E E E E SE SE SE SE SE 20 FT wind spd..5 5 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 20 FT wind gust. 12 13 13 14 13 13 12 13 13 Mix hgt (kft)...0.4 0.5 1.1 1.4 2.2 3.1 3.7 4.1 4.4 4.3 SDspl kt-ft/10004 5 12 15 25 34 37 49 53 56 .TONIGHT... Sky/weather.........Mostly clear. Slight chance of showers and thunderstorms overnight. Chance of pcpn......20 percent. Temperature.........Min 52. RH..................Max 93 percent. Wind (20 ft)........ Slope/valley.......Southeast winds 7 to 10 mph shifting to the south 8 to 9 mph after 3 am. Gusty and erratic winds expected near thunderstorms overnight. Mixing height.......500 ft AGL. Smoke dispersal.....Good (36400 knot-ft) early in the evening decreasing to poor (5700 knot-ft) late in the night. TIME (CDT) 6 PM 8 PM 10 PM MIDNGT 2 AM 4 AM Sky cover.......CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR MCLEAR MCLEAR Weather cov..... S CHC S CHC Weather type....NONE NONE NONE NONE RNSHWR RNSHWR Tstm cov........ S CHC S CHC Chc of pcpn (%).0 0 0 0 20 20 Temp............71 65 59 55 54 53 RH..............30 40 52 58 69 84 20 FT wind dir..SE SE SE S S S 20 FT wind spd..10 8 7 7 8 9 20 FT wind gust.14 13 14 14 14 14 Mix hgt (ft)....2600 500 500 500 500 500 SDspl kt-ft/100036 6 7 7 8 7 .THURSDAY... Sky/weather.........Mostly sunny. Chance of showers and thunderstorms. Chance of pcpn......30 percent. Temperature.........Max 82. RH..................Min 43 percent. Wind (20 ft)........ Slope/valley.......South winds 10 to 19 mph. Gusts up to 33 mph in the late morning and afternoon. Gusty and erratic winds expected near thunderstorms. Mixing height.......4400 ft AGL. Smoke dispersal.....Poor (8700 knot-ft) early in the morning increasing to excellent (92300 knot-ft) in the afternoon increasing to excellent (80400 knot-ft) late in the afternoon. TIME (CDT) 6 AM 9 AM NOON 3 PM Sky cover.......PCLDY PCLDY PCLDY PCLDY Weather cov.....CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE Weather type....RNSHWR RNSHWR RNSHWR RNSHWR Tstm cov........CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE Chc of pcpn (%).30 30 30 30 Temp............54 59 71 80 RH..............88 87 64 47 20 FT wind dir..S S S S 20 FT wind spd..10 13 17 17 20 FT wind gust.15 26 27 25 Mix hgt (ft)....600 800 2000 3700 SDspl kt-ft/10009 14 49 92 $$ Forecaster...Reese Requested by...David Spencer Type of request...PRESCRIBED .TAG 2507978.0/TOP .DELDT 03/26/25 .FormatterVersion 2.0.0 .EMAIL david_spencer@fws.gov