![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
736 UMKA40 PTKK 080000 SGLTKK 91334 TTBB 58008 91334 00009 29031 11007 29248 22937 22600 33933 22011 44928 22003 55927 21816 66925 22427 77861 18219 88853 18450 99842 18050 11840 17841 22838 17646 33835 18057 44828 17657 55823 17860 66795 15829 77783 15243 88759 13825 99725 11002 11721 10800 22699 10002 33696 09807 44689 10248 55686 10038 66684 10256 77678 10056 88676 09840 99675 09850 11672 09424 22671 09643 33668 09650 44667 09650 55661 09039 66648 08456 77637 07864 88635 08075 99634 08076 11625 06867 22619 05860 33613 05263 44610 04859 55607 04867 66603 04262 77601 04059 88598 03456 99593 02846 11590 02438 22587 01812 33582 02021 44580 01827 55560 00311 66556 00029 77555 00022 88551 00447 99540 00734 11529 00950 22517 02334 33514 02336 44511 02356 55501 03345 66495 03556 77479 05757 88478 05957 99475 06160 11474 06161 22473 05970 33470 05975 44468 06375 55463 07167 66460 07760 77458 08136 88455 08539 99452 08557 11451 08747 22447 08766 33445 08950 44443 09357 55441 09365 66436 09772 77435 10165 88430 10578 99423 10790 11412 12583 22409 12189 33377 16988 44353 19576 55325 24773 66318 26363 77315 26764 88313 27159 99312 27360 11308 28136 22307 28341 33305 28527 44294 30515 55280 32344 66279 32550 77278 32159 88275 32562 99270 33761 11260 36161 22253 37572 33248 38375 44186 54965 55183 55567 66167 60364 77154 64958 88147 67357 99139 69561 11122 75956 22114 78750 33105 81946 44100 83144 21212 00009 06009 11924 06523 22855 08516 33801 06014 44744 07513 55700 10510 66691 12511 77685 13010 88676 12008 99669 09511 11637 08022 22602 07020 33574 09515 44546 11517 55480 09532 66354 09540 77333 09034 88302 11525 99289 13028 11256 10032 22197 10046 33110 08538 44100 10536 31313 44108 82304 41414 21471 51515 10164 00004 10194 07019 07514= PPBB 58008 91334 90/35 06009 07521 08516 9079/ 06514 07513 91012 10510 12511 09511 91345 08022 07521 07020 9167/ 09515 11517 9218/ 09532 09540 93023 09034 11525 13028 936// 10032 942// 10046 9546/ 08538 10536=