![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Great Falls, MT
Issued by NWS Great Falls, MT
032 UMUS45 KTFX 080001 COR SGLTFX 72776 TTBB 58008 72776 00890 15321 11886 15743 22853 17532 33836 18334 44827 17932 55793 18941 66784 19337 77760 18929 88729 20333 99722 20332 11707 21136 22692 22132 33678 23137 44664 24132 55656 24331 66649 23929 77642 23931 88615 22142 99591 23948 11572 25743 22548 27334 33523 28929 44517 28931 55506 29726 66495 30732 77490 31130 88458 34534 99453 35132 11427 37950 22409 40746 33385 43756 44348 49531 55332 51341 66307 48156 77287 49358 88275 47159 99267 47560 11262 46960 22250 47362 33233 46564 44226 46964 55222 46565 66216 46766 77212 46566 88206 46767 99199 46368 11181 47570 22172 46572 33167 46572 44163 46773 55149 47575 66138 46577 77137 46577 88136 46377 99128 48178 11126 48178 22122 49379 33118 48980 44118 48980 55110 49981 66103 51181 77103 51181 88102 51181 99100 51181 21212 00890 29003 11881 01002 22862 34503 33848 32504 44838 33004 55814 23007 66799 21510 77782 23507 88775 24504 99750 09503 11717 19508 22705 19009 33694 20505 44684 20006 55631 30520 66622 32017 77612 31514 88603 29017 99588 30020 11575 30026 22538 28023 33504 26033 44488 27028 55480 27032 66471 27035 77464 27038 88426 27533 99412 28036 11406 27538 22398 27539 33391 27538 44378 27034 55366 25536 66348 26542 77337 27040 88328 26042 99323 26041 11314 26542 22310 26540 33305 26039 44290 25053 55282 25552 66271 25550 77267 25554 88263 25558 99260 25559 11253 25561 22250 25563 33236 26057 44224 26065 55212 26062 66201 26066 77192 26561 88185 26065 99180 26064 11177 26565 22172 26561 33170 26564 44168 26562 55161 26068 66159 26069 77154 26565 88150 26570 99145 27058 11139 26557 22137 26559 33132 26554 44128 26557 55124 27064 66115 28059 77112 27553 88109 27056 99105 26554 11102 26548 22100 26548 31313 45408 82351 41414 47578 51515 10164 00020 10194 13504 27509 10181 00001= PPBB 58008 72776 90/45 29003 01002 33004 90678 22507 24508 10003 909// 18507 91023 20006 29016 29017 91456 30519 30026 27522 9189/ 27028 27035 92023 27537 28036 27539 92456 27034 25536 26542 92789 26042 26542 26039 93012 25553 25552 25558 93356 25563 26060 26065 93789 26062 26066 26561 94012 26065 26565 26562 94345 26069 26565 26570 94678 26557 26559 26557 949// 27064 95012 27562 27553 26554 953// 26549= NNNN