![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Tampa Bay Area, FL
Issued by NWS Tampa Bay Area, FL
985 UMUS42 KTBW 080000 SGLTBW 72210 TTBB 58008 72210 00020 24049 11008 22859 22006 22659 33989 21657 44944 19058 55895 15032 66872 14056 77850 13662 88836 15474 99808 13474 11759 09670 22734 07665 33733 07665 44727 07469 55721 07675 66703 06270 77678 04067 88670 03668 99659 03877 11639 05099 22635 04899 33567 02572 44501 09976 55482 11977 66429 15992 77426 15592 88422 15392 99410 17191 11403 18191 22365 24580 33336 29172 44286 39165 55272 38582 66266 38985 77246 42584 88237 43783 99195 53375 11193 53775 22177 57572 33163 60173 44154 62374 55148 63774 66128 69969 77118 72368 88100 77365 21212 00020 26003 11987 28006 22953 32009 33945 31507 44920 00505 55914 02004 66893 04510 77859 00502 88849 00502 99838 30003 11816 27506 22805 28508 33798 28008 44784 26507 55754 28506 66745 30007 77736 26504 88726 25007 99707 27008 11698 24506 22680 22509 33670 22008 44661 22508 55652 22010 66642 22513 77634 22515 88618 24512 99600 27516 11566 30023 22535 29018 33528 28522 44520 28522 55513 29022 66506 28023 77493 29024 88479 29023 99473 28525 11467 29026 22460 29021 33454 28519 44443 28016 55437 28016 66425 29523 77420 29025 88415 29023 99411 29023 11405 29024 22396 29022 33382 29023 44372 30027 55362 30524 66357 29522 77352 28523 88339 29526 99335 29026 11312 30529 22308 30531 33285 32537 44274 30530 55271 30031 66263 28031 77249 29032 88240 29530 99236 30031 11227 29029 22223 29530 33217 29029 44214 29529 55208 29029 66200 29028 77192 28526 88190 29028 99177 27029 11170 28033 22165 28532 33160 28031 44157 28032 55153 28536 66144 28537 77138 29039 88130 31044 99128 31043 11119 28025 22113 26532 33107 27536 44100 30033 31313 45408 82309 41414 00900 51515 10164 00091 10194 34004 27506= PPBB 58008 72210 90/12 26003 27506 31510 90345 00505 04009 00502 90678 28505 28009 27508 909// 29507 91012 27008 22509 22508 91345 22515 24511 27516 91689 29520 28522 28023 92012 29024 29026 28519 92345 28016 29023 29024 92678 29023 30027 28523 929// 29526 93012 29526 30529 30531 93345 32537 30031 28030 93678 29032 29530 29029 94012 29029 29028 29028 94456 27029 28532 28032 94789 28537 28537 29039 95023 30543 28025 26532 9545/ 27536 30033= NNNN