![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS St. Paul, AK
Issued by NWS St. Paul, AK
349 UFAK48 PASN 080000 ABVSNP 70308 TTCC 58002 70308 70838 49982 21025 50057 48984 20514 30396 43187 18519 20669 43787 16029 88999 77999 31313 44108 82328= TTDD 5800/ 70308 11968 52581 22876 48583 33848 50182 44749 48383 55680 50982 66604 51782 77558 49183 88522 50382 99462 47184 11421 48584 22370 47185 33348 44586 44315 43987 55308 42588 66283 45386 77270 43187 88261 43987 99249 42788 11221 44587 22211 42188 33199 43987 44174 39990 55152 43388 21212 11951 21521 22849 21034 33804 22027 44757 21007 55738 18014 66671 22037 77651 23531 88630 23518 99617 22014 11604 19518 22589 20522 33564 19527 44549 20529 55531 22527 66496 20015 77476 22011 88467 21508 99451 18011 11436 17519 22417 20028 33410 21526 44386 23026 55344 21016 66333 18512 77330 18013 88314 18525 99286 18013 11275 15509 22208 16034 33207 16034 44200 16028 55190 13027 66178 16032 77164 13524 88152 13520 31313 44108 82328= PPDD 58008 70308 95578 21521 21034 22027 96023 18513 22037 23531 96456 23518 20522 19527 9679/ 20529 20015 97012 21508 18011 17519 97347 20028 23026 21016 9789/ 18013 18525 98012 18019 18013 15509 9889/ 16034 16028 99023 13027 16032 13524 995// 13520=