![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Portland, OR
Issued by NWS Portland, OR
837 UMUS46 KPQR 080001 COR SGLSLE 72694 TTBB 58008 72694 00016 06859 11015 06058 22968 02656 33935 00258 44831 08310 55819 09109 66786 11710 77774 12532 88766 13320 99757 13937 11756 14148 22755 13961 33745 14560 44740 14548 55738 14357 66735 14556 77722 14959 88717 14564 99713 14361 11702 15358 22692 16160 33677 17557 44670 17958 55668 18150 66660 18760 77641 20359 88633 21158 99627 21740 11615 22923 22614 22947 33611 22760 44609 22357 55602 23157 66597 23336 77589 23722 88573 24525 99509 30729 11492 32917 22486 33730 33466 36308 44457 37315 55456 37524 66453 37918 77452 38126 88441 39719 99438 40339 11437 40343 22436 40357 33435 40558 44434 40757 55431 40765 66427 40973 77419 40575 88383 44773 99372 46166 11367 45375 22328 49166 33322 49770 44306 48777 55223 44985 66187 47384 77151 45986 88129 47985 99121 47186 11109 51583 22104 52583 33100 52583 21212 00016 26004 11879 29511 22848 28016 33785 30019 44753 28012 55729 29018 66715 27018 77641 29026 88540 26029 99450 26026 11339 28054 22246 27544 33204 26554 44106 26035 55100 26043 31313 44108 82306 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00008 10181 10194 26507 28517= PPBB 58008 72694 90/12 26004 19506 25507 90345 28510 29011 28016 90678 29518 30019 28011 909// 29018 91246 28526 28028 26529 92015 26527 26026 27543 927// 28054 93048 28045 27544 26554 95024 25543 26035 26043=