![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Portland, OR
Issued by NWS Portland, OR
801 UFUS46 KPQR 080000 ABVSLE 72694 TTCC 58001 72694 70844 53383 27529 50059 58780 25515 30383 57581 09005 20640 52385 02517 10081 54384 33021 88999 77999 31313 44108 82306= TTDD 5800/ 72694 11893 51584 22864 52983 33818 53583 44810 52184 55728 54582 66675 52584 77572 56782 88564 54184 99499 58980 11436 55782 22418 57581 33414 56182 44371 54983 55283 58381 66263 56383 77236 57582 88230 55384 99222 56582 11214 56183 22201 51985 33162 57782 44153 55184 55137 55983 66132 54984 77122 57182 88099 54184 99095 56182 11088 55983 22086 53785 33081 52186 44080 51785 21212 11941 25039 22873 27046 33840 27539 44798 25530 55729 27037 66712 28029 77671 27017 88643 25012 99604 26523 11591 27519 22553 24010 33538 26506 44503 25514 55474 30513 66460 28512 77449 29517 88440 30516 99423 34010 11393 06501 22367 03010 33335 01510 44297 08005 55287 02010 66278 35514 77257 35529 88246 00520 99240 34515 11237 33516 22223 01025 33215 00521 44209 02519 55193 04018 66186 02015 77183 01516 88168 03516 99160 01531 11144 02030 22134 00534 33129 35529 44122 01025 55111 00540 66105 35521 77103 34018 88101 32521 99092 00522 11087 33523 22080 33524 31313 44108 82306= PPDD 58008 72694 95578 25039 27046 27539 959// 25530 96012 26535 27037 27017 96357 25012 26523 24010 969// 25514 97012 30011 29517 34010 97457 06501 03010 01510 98013 04507 35514 35529 98467 00520 01025 02519 989// 04018 99023 01517 03516 01531 99567 02030 00534 35529 999// 01025 86013 36037 35521 33523 865// 33524=