Regional Max/Min Temp and Precipitation Table
Issued by NWS San Angelo, TX
Issued by NWS San Angelo, TX
480 ASUS64 KSJT 301826 RTPSJT REGIONAL TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION SUMMARY National Weather Service San Angelo TX 126 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2024 The following table is a summary of Cooperative Observations for the 24-hour period ending around 8 AM this morning. :ID STATION LOW HIGH 7-8 AM TEMP PRECIP :--------------------------------------------------------------- AABT2 Abilene 6ESE 74 97 77 0.00 ALBT2 Albany 78 99 90 0.00 ANST2 Anson 78 98 79 0.00 BALT2 Ballinger 2NW + + + + BDZT2 Brady + + + + BROT2 Brownwood 2ENE 74 98 83 0.00 COLT2 Coleman + + + + CPMT2 Concho Park + + + + EDET2 Eden 71 99 74 0.00 ELLT2 Eldorado + + + + FGRT2 Ft Griffin St Pk 79 101 82 0.00 FKAT2 Fort McKavett 69 96 74 0.00 HSKT2 Haskell 79 100 81 0.00 JCNT2 Junction 4SSW 71 96 74 0.00 MSNT2 Mason + + + + MNAT2 Menard + + + + MKLT2 Merkel 12SW + + + + MTET2 Mertzon 12NNW + + + + OZCT2 Ozona 22SE + + + + OZTT2 Ozona-Acton Ranch + + + + PAKT2 Paint Rock 5NE + + + + PUTT2 Putnam 76 97 76 0.00 RLET2 Robert Lee 4WSW + + + + RSCT2 Roscoe 75 100 77 0.00 RTNT2 Rotan + + + + WFOT2 San Angelo WFO 74 100 77 0.00 SNST2 San Saba 7NW + + + + SOXT2 Sonora + + + + SFDT2 Stamford + + + + STCT2 Sterling City + + + + TMTT2 Throckmorton 10N + + + + WAVT2 Water Valley 74 101 76 0.00 WNGT2 Wingate + + + + : SOIL TEMPERATURES AT 4-INCH DEPTH :------------------------------------------------- :ID STATION LOW HIGH 7-8 AM TEMP :------------------------------------------------- WFOT2 San Angelo (bare) 89 97 89 : PAN EVAPORATION :------------------------------------------------------- : PAN MILES :ID STATION EVAP OF WIND :------------------------------------------------------- WFOT2 San Angelo WFO 0.55 162 The following is a summary of ASOS and AWOS observed overnight low temp (ending at 6 AM CST / 7 AM CDT), high temp yesterday and 24-hour precipitation ending at 6AM CST / 7AM CDT. :------------------------------------------------------------- ID STATION NAME LOW HIGH PRECIP :------------------------------------------------------------- ABI Abilene ASOS 77 99 0.00 JCT Junction ASOS 74 98 0.00 SJT San Angelo ASOS 72 102 0.00 :--------------------------------------------------- ID STATION NAME LOW HIGH :--------------------------------------------------- 81R San Saba AWOS 73 99 BBD Brady 3NE AWOS 73 97 BWD Brownwood AWOS 73 99 COM Coleman AWOS 73 98 OZA Ozona AWOS 73 97 SOA Sonora AWOS + + SWW Sweetwater AWOS 77 102 :------------------------------------------------------------- RAWS ID STATION NAME LOW HIGH PRECIP :------------------------------------------------------------- BNHT2 Barnhart 10S 74 98 0.00 CBDT2 Colorado Bend 73 97 0.00 HBYT2 Hamby 76 98 0.00 IVET2 Coleman 26SW 74 99 0.00 MSAT2 Mason 3ESE 72 96 0.00 PCKT2 Paint Creek 77 102 0.00 The following mesonet data shows 24-hour high ending at midnight. The low is since midnight. Rainfall is 24-hour total since 6AM CST / 7AM CDT. :------------------------------------------------------------- ID STATION NAME LOW HIGH PRECIP :------------------------------------------------------------- CEET2 Clyde 2WNW 74 96 0.00 OLET2 Doole 3WNW 72 101 0.00 FCBT2 Fort Chadbourne 76 98 0.00 FLET2 Fort Lancaster 77 99 0.00 FTTT2 Fort McKavett 69 97 0.00 HAXT2 Haskell 1NNW 79 99 0.00 TTJT2 Junction 1SSW 74 98 0.00 MXST2 Menard 2NW 72 98 0.00 MZST2 Mertzon 3NNE 74 99 0.00 ROTT2 Rotan 5W 79 101 0.00 SJST2 San Angelo 7NW 74 101 0.00 SGVT2 Segovia 7SSW 73 94 0.00 XSTT2 Stamford 5ESE 79 101 0.00 XSCT2 Sterling City 4WSW 76 100 0.00 SWST2 Sweetwater 11SW 75 100 0.00 XTHT2 Throckmorton 1SW 78 100 0.00 WGST2 Wall 2E 72 101 0.00 EIST2 Weinert 2NNE 81 102 0.00 The following is a summary of 24-hour precipitation totals from automated gages ending at 6AM CST / 7AM CDT. :--------------------------------------------------------------- ID STATION NAME PRECIP :--------------------------------------------------------------- BRAT2 Brady 0.00 CHVT2 Christoval + CXPT2 Cross Plains 0.00 HHHT2 Hords Creek Lake + JCTT2 North Llano River Near Junction 0.00 JNCT2 Junction 0.00 KNBT2 Knickerbocker + LKCT2 Lake Coleman near Silver Valley 6NNE 0.00 MBCT2 Mason + MLIT2 Mullin + MLRT2 Mason 0.00 MNRT2 Menard 0.00 SNBT2 San Saba 0.00 SSBT2 San Saba 0.00 TKLT2 Tankersley + ZONT2 Ozona 13E + The following is a summary of LCRA hydromet stations observed overnight low temp (ending at 6AM CST / 7AM CDT), high temp yesterday and 24-hour precipitation ending 6AM CST / 7AM CDT. :-------------------------------------------------------------------- ID STATION NAME LOW HIGH PRECIP :-------------------------------------------------------------------- BGCT2 Bangs 6W 73 99 0.00 BTCT2 Blanket 4S 73 95 0.00 BUCT2 Burkett 9S 73 98 0.00 BWCT2 Brownwood 4SE 73 98 0.00 BZCT2 Brady 11E 72 98 0.00 CBCT2 Colorado River at Bend 74 100 0.00 CFCT2 Cross Plains 74 96 0.00 CHBT2 Cherokee 4SSE 71 97 0.00 CHUT2 Cherokee 8NNE 74 97 0.00 COKT2 Cherokee 10WNW 72 96 0.00 CQCT2 Clyde 6 S 74 96 0.00 DOCT2 Doss 8 W 73 95 0.00 EDCT2 Eden 3S 71 100 0.00 EOCT2 Eldorado 2E 71 97 0.00 FKCT2 Fort McKavett 70 97 0.00 GOCT2 Gouldbusk 4N 74 99 0.00 GTCT2 Colorado Rvr near Goldthwaite 72 99 0.00 HPCT2 Harper 6 NW 72 92 0.00 HRCT2 Harper 13 NW 72 94 0.00 JBCT2 Junction 18ENE 72 98 0.00 JJCT2 Johnson Fork nr Junction 73 97 0.00 LBWT2 Lake Brownwood near Brownwood 8N -998 -998 0.00 JNCT2 Junction 74 98 0.00 JPCT2 Junction 17NW 68 96 0.00 JTCT2 Junction 14 SE 72 96 0.00 KHCT2 Cherokee 4E 72 98 0.00 LDCT2 London 12SSE 72 94 0.00 MAAT2 Mason 3NNE 71 95 0.00 MACT2 Comanche Creek near Mason 70 97 0.00 MAST2 Mason 15NNE 72 98 0.00 MBCT2 Mason 73 97 0.00 MJCT2 Mason 7WSW 72 97 0.00 MJRT2 James River near Mason 73 99 0.00 MNCT2 Menard 12 SSE 71 97 0.00 MNRT2 Menard 72 99 0.00 MPCT2 Mason 13 WNW 71 97 0.00 MQCT2 Mason 15 W 72 97 0.00 MRGT2 Mason 17 SE 73 94 0.00 MSMT2 Mason 15ENE 73 98 0.00 MSWT2 Mason 14SSW 73 97 0.00 MVCT2 Melvin 2S 70 99 0.00 MWCT2 Millersview 7WSW 73 100 0.00 MWMT2 Willow Creek near Mason 71 97 0.00 MYCT2 May 1N 73 97 0.00 MZCT2 Mason 10NE 73 97 0.00 NDCT2 Menard 11 NE 69 97 0.00 NLCT2 Mullin 5NE 73 95 0.00 NRCT2 Sonora 14 SE 75 97 0.00 PBCT2 Pecan Bayou at Hwy 279 75 97 0.00 RACT2 North Llano River near Roosevelt 70 95 0.00 RHCT2 Rochelle 5NNW 73 97 0.00 RLCT2 Richland Springs 6WNW + + + RPCT2 Richland Springs 11N 74 99 0.00 RVCT2 Roosevelt 10 WSW 74 98 0.00 SBBT2 Cherokee 2NNW 71 96 0.00 SBCT2 San Saba 15 SW 73 97 0.00 SNBT2 San Saba 74 100 0.00 SQCT2 San Saba 8W 73 98 0.00 SSBT2 San Saba 73 99 0.00 SVCT2 Sonora 17 ENE 73 97 0.00 SZCT2 San Saba 6S 74 99 0.00 TRCT2 Telegraph 9NW 71 95 0.00 TWCT2 Tow 11N 73 98 0.00 TZCT2 South Llano River at Telegraph 72 98 0.00 WCHT2 Winchell 73 98 0.00 + Denotes data temporarily unavailable or missing. Summary of 24-hour precipitation totals reported by West Central Texas observers ending around 8 am CST / CDT. :------------------------------------------------ ID STATION NAME PRECIP :------------------------------------------------ This product, the Regional Temperature and Precipitation Summary, which is issued 3 times a day and provides the observed maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall totals for automated weather stations in the area, is being considered to be discontinued. Other products, such as current observations, and the short and long term forecast, will remain in place. If you have any concerns or questions, please call us at 325-944-9445. $$