Regional Max/Min Temp and Precipitation Table
Issued by NWS Seattle/Tacoma, WA

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ASUS66 KSEW 120630
Max/Min Temperature And Precipitation Table For Washington
National Weather Service Seattle WA
1130 PM PDT Tue Mar 11 2025

:Western Washington Cooperative Station Observations
:These are the daily observations for the past 24 hours.
:Some temperature values are from the previous day.
:Some stations only report precipitation.

:                             Obs      24hr  24hr  24hr   Snow  Snow
:ID    Station         Elev   time     high  low   pcpn   fall  dpth
CNCW1: Concrete Dam     195 : DH0600 /  48 /  37 / 0.03 / 0.0 /   0
MAWW1: Mayfield         280 : DH0600 /  50 /  37 / 0.00 /
PSBW1: Poulsbo          217 : DH0600 /     /     / 0.00 /   M /   0
UBKW1: Upper Baker Dam  690 : DH0600 /  44 /  36 / 0.04 / 0.0 /   0
TLTW1: Tolt Reservoir  2000 : DH0800 /  42 /  34 / 0.00 / 0.0 /   0
CPHW1: Cushman Pwr #2    21 : DH0600 /  48 /  37 / 0.00 /
DIAW1: Diablo Dam       891 : DH0600 /  45 /  33 /    T / 0.0 /
EVEW1: Everett           60 : DH0800 /  50 /  38 / 0.03 /
NWMW1: Newhalem         525 : DH0600 /  47 /  36 / 0.02 / 0.0 /   0
HTUW1: Humptulips       140 : DH0700 /  46 /  37 / 0.03 /
KAMW1: Kalama           310 : DH0800 /     /     / 0.01 /
MMLW1: McMillin Rsvr.   570 : DH0700 /  44 /  36 / 0.00 /
ENUW1: Mud Mtn Dam     1308 : DH0800 /  44 /  32 / 0.00 /   M /   M
RYMW1: Raymond           30 : DH0600 /  46 /  31 / 0.03 /   M /   M
ROSW1: Ross Dam        1236 : DH0600 /  43 /  32 /    T /     /
BRMW1: Bremerton        120 : DH0730 /  52 /  37 / 0.01 /
TBNW1: Tolt Reg. Basin  774 : DH1103 /     /     / 0.01 /
FORW1: Forks            372 : DH1600 /  45 /  39 / 0.30 / 0.0 /   0
:M = missing
:T = trace
:Precipitation measured in inches.
:Elevation measured in feet.
:Time of observation is in local standard time.

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final
quality control by the National Centers for Environmental
Information (NCEI). Therefore, these data are subject to
revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed
