Tropical Weather Discussion
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
958 AXPQ20 PGUM 220106 TWDPQ Tropical Weather Discussion National Weather Service Tiyan GU 1106 AM ChST Wed Jan 22 2025 Tropical Weather Discussion for the Western North Pacific between the Equator and 25N from 130E to 180. The following information is based on recent satellite imagery/data, weather observations, radar, and meteorological analysis. ...SPECIAL FEATURES... None. ...OTHER WEATHER SYSTEMS... COLD FRONT...SHEAR LINE... An eastward-moving cold front well north of the Marianas curves southwestward through 25N151E to west of the Marianas near 18N140E, then continues to beyond 14N130E as a shear line. Clouds and patchy showers are seen along and up to 120 miles northwest of this boundary. A few thunderstorms are found along the front, north of 24N. The front will continue eastward, largely staying north of 20N while the shear line lifts northward, eventually aligning along 20N by late week as a new high pressure system pushes into the north Pacific off of Asia. TRADE-WIND TROUGHS... A westward-moving trade-wind trough is seen passing to the south of Guam. The trough axis is roughly aligned along 145E between 4N and 12N with scattered showers found in the broad region between Yap Island, Chuuk Lagoon and south of Guam. This trough will continue westward, eventually bringing increasing showers to Palau and Yap Thursday and into Friday. TRADE-WIND SURGE... The trade-wind surge across and north of eastern Micronesia is slowly subsiding as a broad high pressure system well northeast of Wake Island continues eastward into the north-central Pacific Ocean. Late-morning ASCAT scatterometry data shows a broad region of 15-20 mph winds across central and eastern Micronesia from 5N northward to the ridge axis near 20N. However, across the Marshall Islands and up to 15N, scatterometry shows areas of 20-30 mph winds. Latest altimetry data also shows combined seas of 7-9 ft south of 10N and about 8-11 ft between 10N and 20N. Westward- moving showers are present along the southern extent of the surge, roughly between 9N and 12N, and merging into the ITCZ farther to the south. The surge will only slightly weaken the next couple of days as the region remains under the clear dominance of an easterly trade- wind flow. OTHER SYSTEMS... ...ITCZ... The ITCZ remains perched across eastern Micronesia between 4N and 7N from Chuuk State eastward across the date line. A surface trough near Chuuk is the focus for a large area of showers and a few thunderstorms that are generally passing just south of Chuuk, today. This trough will continue westward, bringing increasing showers and thunderstorms to the outer islands of western Chuuk State and eastern Yap State Thursday and Friday. Farther east, ITCZ moisture will remain along a narrow band with occasional flare ups of heavier showers, thunderstorms, and gusty winds. This convection will more often affect Pohnpei and Kosrae, while undulating northward over the central Marshalls from time-to-time. $$ Aydlett