Other Surface Observations
Issued by NWS Pendleton, OR
Issued by NWS Pendleton, OR
255 SXUS56 KPDT 280010 OSOPDT State Temperatures and Precipitation Table National Weather Service Pendleton OR 509 PM PDT THU MAR 27 2025 Values represent lows over the last 18 hours... highs over the last 18 hours and precipitation, including snowfall and snow depth over the last 24 hours ending at 5:00 PM PDT .BR PDT 0327 DH00/TAIRZS/TAIRZI/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : Aftn Mrng 24 hr 24 hr Snow :ID Station Elev High Low Pcpn Snow Depth BDN : Bend(Arpt) 3454 : 59 / 41 / 0.07 / M / M HRI : Hermiston 640 : 65 / 50 / 0.12 / M / M LGD : La Grande 2700 : 67 / 49 / T / M / M MEH : Meacham 3726 : 53 / 40 / 0.10 / M / M PDT : Pendleton(Arpt) 1495 : 67 / 50 / 0.06 / 0.0 / 0 RDM : Redmond 3077 : 63 / 44 / 0.06 / M / M DLS : The Dalles 250 : 62 / 52 / 0.17 / M / M ELN : Ellensburg..WA 1759 : 60 / 48 / 0.09 / M / M HMS : Hanford..WA 733 : 63 / 50 / 0.01 / M / M PSC : Pasco..WA 407 : 61 / 49 / 0.13 / M / M YKM : Yakima..WA 1060 : 61 / 50 / 0.06 / M / M ALW : Walla Walla..WA 1210 : 77 / 52 / 0.08 / M / M BKE : Baker City 3370 : 68 / 51 / 0.01 / M / M BNO : Burns 4140 : 62 / 44 / 0.00 / M / M ONO : Ontario 2190 : 77 / 51 / 0.00 / M / M REO : Rome 4050 : 69 / 50 / 0.00 / M / M :Other AWOS locations...no nws quality control performed. GCD : John Day(Arpt) 3700 : 62 / 50 / 0.00 / M / M S39 : Prineville (Aprt) 3250 : 61 / 43 / 0.06 / M / M S33 : Madras(Arpt) 2427 : 57 / 41 / 0.03 / M / M 6K5 : Sisters (Arpt) 3152 : M / M / M / M / M S21 : Sunriver (Arpt) 4152 : 54 / 37 / 0.06 / M / M S40 : Prosser (Arpt)..WA 695 : M / M / M / M / M RLD : Richland(Arpt)..WA 390 : 65 / 52 / 0.09 / M / M 1S5 : Sunnyside Aprt..WA 768 : 61 / 49 / M / M / M 1YT : Yakima TC..WA 1371 : M / M / M / M / M JSY : Joseph(Arpt) 4120 : 62 / 47 / 0.01 / M / M 9S9 : Lexington(Arpt) 1624 : 70 / 48 / 0.00 / M / M .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information(NCEI). Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$