![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
579 UMUS41 KPBZ 080001 COR SGLPBZ 72520 TTBB 58008 72520 00981 01357 11974 01559 22889 08146 33884 08350 44873 08360 55863 07567 66857 07367 77828 07168 88797 07767 99777 08368 11765 07971 22755 07386 33751 06591 44748 05794 55745 04584 66740 04170 77738 04369 88719 05964 99716 05966 11714 05962 22711 05961 33707 05962 44698 06958 55692 07559 66661 10356 77639 12156 88636 12156 99630 11556 11610 13144 22592 14541 33590 14334 44584 13356 55565 14359 66542 16561 77487 22563 88457 26959 99453 26762 11436 28961 22427 29964 33408 32564 44407 32564 55386 35961 66373 37360 77362 39357 88359 39757 99358 39759 11351 40558 22350 40759 33346 40766 44334 42177 55303 46161 66301 46164 77294 47363 88285 49159 99281 49760 11271 51959 22269 52157 33267 52558 44262 53550 55261 53556 66259 53160 77257 52960 88251 53160 99241 54958 11237 55559 22230 55771 33228 55173 44221 54972 55210 52378 66150 56179 77141 54780 88126 58178 99122 57578 11114 60376 22111 60577 33109 57779 44108 57180 55107 56980 66100 58379 21212 00981 30502 11895 25012 22864 28520 33760 29035 44740 29055 55526 28576 66381 28584 77304 29631 88263 29139 99195 28593 11143 28607 22100 28582 31313 44108 82300 41414 00900 51515 10164 00023 10181 10194 27513 29039= PPBB 58008 72520 90/23 30502 29010 27011 90456 26516 28520 28527 90789 28537 29039 29556 91246 29058 28062 28571 917// 28576 9205/ 28580 28584 9303/ 29630 29139 9406/ 28593 28607 9504/ 28101 28582=