![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
577 UFUS41 KPBZ 080000 ABVPBZ 72520 TTCC 58001 72520 70836 55983 29542 50048 60578 27026 30370 58781 29532 20626 59780 28533 10061 54584 27555 07288 55784 27077 05507 48189 28092 88920 61377 28082 77055 27106 421// 31313 44108 82300= TTDD 5800/ 72520 11920 61377 22888 61577 33847 59978 44771 61378 55758 59779 66734 60978 77720 60179 88699 55983 99696 55982 11642 57781 22612 55782 33561 58980 44540 57981 55492 61378 66454 62178 77450 62178 88429 59381 99420 56984 11417 53785 22413 53185 33391 55782 44387 54384 55313 58781 66308 58781 77283 55983 88268 57781 99247 56583 11197 60180 22173 58382 33143 60181 44135 57583 55113 60181 66104 54384 77101 54384 88099 55184 99096 52386 11085 56383 22082 55384 33071 56583 44057 48588 55053 49587 66047 47988 21212 11937 28083 22789 28555 33725 28562 44688 29037 55640 29044 66594 29031 77571 30033 88538 27513 99498 27026 11465 28537 22439 28046 33419 27530 44391 24518 55332 29538 66309 30531 77267 26530 88257 28029 99250 28033 11238 25038 22222 28030 33182 28037 44165 25533 55148 26050 66126 26541 77119 25547 88110 26560 99104 27553 11072 27072 22062 26590 33055 27106 44047 28098 31313 44108 82300= PPDD 58008 72520 9559/ 28083 28555 96023 28060 29037 29044 96578 30033 27513 27026 97012 28538 28046 27530 97378 24518 29538 30531 98012 28539 26530 28029 98345 28033 25038 28030 99024 27037 25533 26050 9978/ 26541 25547 86015 26560 27553 27072 86679 27079 26590 27106 871// 28098=