![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Oklahoma City, OK
Issued by NWS Oklahoma City, OK
885 UFUS44 KOUN 080000 ABVOUN 72357 TTCC 58001 72357 70856 70369 29022 50058 64175 27514 30375 56980 29514 20633 55181 30021 10077 51184 28550 07310 47785 25561 88995 74366 27073 77056 27091 422// 31313 44108 82300= TTDD 5800/ 72357 11995 74366 22876 74364 33844 76164 44837 74965 55809 75366 66786 71568 77757 69370 88692 70769 99662 67772 11622 70170 22602 68372 33570 68172 44563 68572 55506 63776 66485 64775 77469 63376 88458 63975 99428 63576 11401 58579 22367 60778 33350 58979 44320 60378 55299 56781 66284 55780 77257 56980 88251 55381 99237 56380 11192 54381 22179 55381 33163 52982 44139 55381 55127 54382 66122 55581 77121 55581 88105 54182 99100 50984 11091 52583 22087 49984 33078 50784 44074 48786 55072 46187 66068 48585 77065 48985 88062 45987 99057 47586 11053 45987 21212 11868 27052 22804 27556 33767 28032 44716 28025 55676 32010 66618 28004 77584 00510 88568 03014 99555 06010 11543 00000 22525 26510 33511 28510 44497 27514 55472 30514 66452 30521 77438 29016 88421 32521 99408 34515 11400 35010 22373 28510 33347 31502 44327 28515 55321 29017 66314 31014 77297 29012 88289 27009 99284 25510 11255 27017 22247 31015 33233 28520 44222 31019 55213 31022 66207 31520 77200 30021 88194 32017 99169 29016 11164 26021 22157 26522 33151 29017 44148 27511 55131 26025 66126 27528 77111 26033 88102 28051 99090 29046 11082 26547 22074 27055 33073 26053 44068 25066 55062 27082 66056 27091 77053 27586 31313 44108 82300= PPDD 58008 72357 9589/ 27052 27556 96013 28032 28025 32010 96456 28004 00510 03014 96789 00000 28510 27514 97012 30516 30521 32521 97356 34515 28510 31502 97789 28515 29017 29012 98034 27009 27017 28520 98678 31022 31520 30021 99012 30015 29016 26021 99347 26522 29017 26025 998// 27528 86013 26033 28051 29046 86456 26547 27055 25559 86789 25066 27082 27091 870// 27586=