![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Kotzebue, AK
Issued by NWS Kotzebue, AK
257 UMAK19 PAOT 080001 COR SGLOTZ 70133 TTBB 58008 70133 00030 29126 11026 28312 22023 27915 33017 25720 44007 23730 55998 22948 66995 22750 77993 21557 88985 21157 99978 18959 11975 17560 22960 15358 33945 13560 44935 12961 55922 13561 66900 11769 77879 12173 88837 11586 99800 12581 11780 13582 22753 15374 33744 16160 44728 17361 55725 17557 66719 18160 77715 18349 88689 20320 99684 19926 11668 20720 22665 20929 33661 21333 44623 25304 55611 25532 66607 25933 77597 26928 88586 27541 99584 27550 11581 26362 22574 24577 33571 23587 44569 23586 55517 25590 66515 25386 77513 25380 88510 25566 99472 30559 11453 32756 22438 34557 33434 34960 44430 35170 55423 36166 66420 36562 77416 36962 88412 37561 99409 37750 11408 37944 22403 38557 33401 38956 44399 39157 55397 39172 66387 40763 77386 40961 88383 41341 99382 41533 11380 41750 22378 42164 33377 42367 44373 42768 55372 42965 66369 43357 77368 43556 88366 43757 99361 44532 11360 44748 22358 44559 33357 44561 44335 47350 55330 47956 66322 48761 77299 51563 88274 55160 99265 55563 11248 57360 22245 56960 33236 58157 44225 59957 55215 58163 66204 59763 77193 54777 88187 53978 99186 53978 11180 52179 22168 51580 33151 54779 44128 52181 55100 52381 21212 00030 07002 11874 25001 22703 25510 33668 27517 44600 26529 55580 28040 66568 27047 77545 26540 88519 28539 99477 27046 11432 28041 22374 25543 33300 26541 44239 24036 55206 24547 66178 27041 77159 25038 88100 26555 31313 44108 82339 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 07003 26008= PPBB 58008 70133 90/12 07002 06004 06505 90346 11002 17001 24007 90789 26005 28008 26512 91012 25510 27517 27025 91456 27532 27047 26539 9179/ 28539 27046 92015 27042 28041 25543 93047 26042 24036 24547 9413/ 27041 25038 9503/ 26057 26555=