![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Kotzebue, AK
Issued by NWS Kotzebue, AK
324 UFAK49 PAOT 080000 ABVOTZ 70133 TTCC 58001 70133 70820 55979 26570 50037 49183 26064 30370 49784 27090 20636 46585 27108 10091 49584 29134 07329 44187 29627 88999 77098 29136 41217 31313 44108 82339= TTDD 5800/ 70133 11942 51781 22874 53980 33811 50582 44679 55979 55658 53181 66601 54580 77585 51382 88551 52581 99509 48384 11479 50782 22405 48583 33381 51382 44330 51982 55281 49183 66253 50583 77217 47984 88207 48784 99200 46585 11194 47584 22172 45385 33128 52582 44114 47984 55104 51382 66102 49384 77100 49384 88097 44987 99095 43987 11080 46985 22075 46785 33068 43787 21212 11878 27051 22819 25557 33699 26570 44645 27553 55595 26062 66554 27568 77486 25061 88435 27570 99407 27082 11363 28573 22349 27069 33264 27102 44245 27095 55185 27117 66162 27618 77136 28612 88125 28633 99098 29136 11081 29620 22068 29628 31313 44108 82339= PPDD 58008 70133 9567/ 27051 25557 96012 26064 26570 27553 96469 26062 27568 25061 97012 26071 27570 27082 9756/ 28573 27069 98023 27091 27102 27095 99036 27116 27618 28612 998// 28633 86025 29126 29136 29620 8667/ 29121 29628=