Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Spokane, WA

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NOUS46 KOTX 252251

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Spokane WA
251 PM PST Tue Feb 25 2025


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Provider


...Benewah County...
Desmet                       29 MPH    1205 PM 02/25   DAVIS
St. Maries                   21 MPH    1200 PM 02/25   CWOP

...Bonner County...
Lakeview Triple              38 MPH    1214 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
Spirit Lake                  27 MPH    0845 AM 02/25   MESOWEST

...Boundary County...
Naples                       22 MPH    0406 AM 02/25   CWOP
Boundary County Airport      21 MPH    1135 AM 02/25   AWOS

...Kootenai County...
Coeur D Alene Airport        35 MPH    1131 AM 02/25   AWOS
Post Falls                   34 MPH    1000 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Rathdrum Prairie             34 MPH    1015 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Silverwood WWTP Athol        30 MPH    1100 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Post Falls                   27 MPH    1100 AM 02/25   CWOP
Worley                       24 MPH    0935 AM 02/25   DAVIS

...Latah County...
Moscow                       33 MPH    1227 PM 02/25   CWOP
Potlatch                     30 MPH    1211 PM 02/25   RAWS
Shock                        22 MPH    1221 PM 02/25   RAWS
Linden                       21 MPH    1130 AM 02/25   CWOP

...Lewis County...
Mission Creek                43 MPH    1103 AM 02/25   RAWS
Craigmont                    31 MPH    0950 AM 02/25   CWOP

...Nez Perce County...
Corral Creek                 38 MPH    1049 AM 02/25   RAWS
Reubens                      37 MPH    0941 AM 02/25   CWOP
Lapwai                       36 MPH    1014 AM 02/25   CWOP
Lewiston Airport             36 MPH    1027 AM 02/25   ASOS
Lenore                       30 MPH    1251 PM 02/25   CWOP
Juliaetta                    23 MPH    1045 AM 02/25   DAVIS

...Shoshone County...
Magee Peak                   41 MPH    1109 AM 02/25   RAWS
Fish Hook                    22 MPH    1208 PM 02/25   RAWS


...Adams County...
1.5 SW Ritzville (WA DOT)    48 MPH    1131 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
4.4 NE Cunningham (AGRIMET)  45 MPH    1115 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Washtucna / Hooper           44 MPH    1245 PM 02/25   CWOP
Othello                      43 MPH    1029 AM 02/25   RAWS
Odessa                       32 MPH    0955 AM 02/25   DAVIS
Hatton                       28 MPH    1130 AM 02/25   WSUAGMET
3.0 NE Lind (SCAN)           27 MPH    1100 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
10 NE Warden                 26 MPH    1020 AM 02/25   AWS

...Asotin County...
5.6 W Clarkston Heights (AGR 36 MPH    0115 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
1 SW Clarkston Heights       29 MPH    0604 PM 02/24
Anatone                      24 MPH    1000 AM 02/25   WSUAGMET
11 NW Anatone                22 MPH    0110 PM 02/25   AWS

...Chelan County...
Mission Ridge Summit         60 MPH    1200 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Dry Creek                    40 MPH    1237 PM 02/25   RAWS
1.2 NE Telma (NWAVAL)        37 MPH    0100 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
3.2 NW Leavenworth (NWAVAL)  28 MPH    1100 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Winthrop                     27 MPH    1145 AM 02/25   CWOP
4 ESE Telma                  25 MPH    0148 PM 02/25   WXFLOW
Triathlon                    24 MPH    0231 AM 02/25   RAWS
4 ENE Chelan                 23 MPH    0955 AM 02/25   AWOS
Entiat                       21 MPH    0535 AM 02/25   RAWS
Viewpoint                    20 MPH    0204 PM 02/25   RAWS

...Douglas County...
Douglas                      32 MPH    0448 AM 02/25   RAWS
1.9 SE Bridgeport (AGRIMET)  31 MPH    0815 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
5.8 SE Rock Island (WA DOT)  28 MPH    0805 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Waterville North             27 MPH    0800 AM 02/25   WSUAGMET
Mansfield                    21 MPH    0555 AM 02/25   AWS

...Ferry County...
14.5 SE Malo (WA DOT)        26 MPH    0107 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
Gold Mountain                21 MPH    0411 AM 02/25   RAWS

...Garfield County...
Alder                        58 MPH    0110 PM 02/25   RAWS
10.8 NE Peola (WA DOT)       55 MPH    1237 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
Pomeroy                      43 MPH    1110 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
7.5 S Dusty (AGRIMET)        28 MPH    1230 PM 02/25   MESOWEST

...Grant County...
Grant County Airport         48 MPH    1014 AM 02/25   ASOS
2.3 W Mattawa (HMMN)         42 MPH    0300 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Hartline                     40 MPH    1025 AM 02/25   DAVIS
Ephrata Airport              39 MPH    0954 AM 02/25   ASOS
3.7 SW George (WA DOT)       39 MPH    1020 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Saddle Mountain              38 MPH    1030 AM 02/25   RAWS
Marlin                       37 MPH    1215 PM 02/25   DAVIS
Warden.SW                    35 MPH    1130 AM 02/25   WSUAGMET
Quincy                       34 MPH    0955 AM 02/25   DAVIS
10.1 N Royal City (AGRIMET)  33 MPH    1045 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
RoyalSlope                   31 MPH    1045 AM 02/25   WSUAGMET
Wheeler                      28 MPH    1045 AM 02/25   WSUAGMET

...Lincoln County...
Spring Canyon                49 MPH    0637 AM 02/25   RAWS
3.5 SW Irby (AGRIMET)        41 MPH    1045 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Ford                         40 MPH    0755 AM 02/25   DAVIS
4.3 SW Miles (AGRIMET)       39 MPH    1245 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
Odessa                       34 MPH    0625 AM 02/25   DAVIS
Almira                       27 MPH    1245 PM 02/25   WSUAGMET

...Okanogan County...
1.9 SE Coulee Dam (AGRIMET)  34 MPH    0730 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Nespelem                     34 MPH    0857 AM 02/25   RAWS
Kramer                       32 MPH    0708 AM 02/25   RAWS
Aeneas                       30 MPH    0509 AM 02/25   RAWS
2.3 N Okanogan (AGRIMET)     23 MPH    0945 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Oroville                     23 MPH    1141 AM 02/25   RAWS
Peony                        22 MPH    0906 AM 02/25   RAWS
Omak                         22 MPH    0953 AM 02/25   ASOS
Riverside                    20 MPH    0231 AM 02/25   CWOP
Spectacle Lake               20 MPH    1247 PM 02/25   RAWS

...Pend Oreille County...
Flowery Trail                23 MPH    0930 AM 02/25   RAWS
Deer Park                    20 MPH    1040 AM 02/25   CWOP

...Spokane County...
Spokane Intl Airport         54 MPH    0930 AM 02/25   ASOS
Spokane Felts Field          53 MPH    0837 AM 02/25   ASOS
Fairchild AFB                46 MPH    0941 AM 02/25   AWOS
1.3 N Spangle (WA DOT)       45 MPH    1108 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
2.5 SE Plaza (WA DOT)        42 MPH    0943 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Spokane Valley               41 MPH    1030 AM 02/25   CWOP
1.7 NW Liberty Lake (WA DOT) 40 MPH    0454 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Deer Park Airport            39 MPH    1056 AM 02/25   ASOS
Cheney                       39 MPH    1128 AM 02/25   RAWS
VALLEYFORD                   36 MPH    1157 AM 02/25   CWOP
2 WSW Deep Creek             34 MPH    0105 PM 02/25   AWS
0.8 NE Spokane South Hill (W 34 MPH    0147 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
0.6 W Tyler (WA DOT)         32 MPH    1143 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Otis Orchards-East Farms     30 MPH    0445 AM 02/25   CWOP
Liberty Lake                 30 MPH    0830 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Medical Lake                 30 MPH    0100 PM 02/25   DAVIS
Chester                      29 MPH    0915 AM 02/25   CWOP
Spangle                      29 MPH    0105 PM 02/25   DAVIS
Airway Heights               28 MPH    0905 AM 02/25   DAVIS
2.9 W Mead (WA DOT)          27 MPH    0856 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Arcadia Orchards             24 MPH    1147 AM 02/25   RAWS
1 SE Four Lakes              24 MPH    0140 PM 02/25   AWS

...Stevens County...
Big Blue                     40 MPH    1141 AM 02/25   RAWS
Nine Mile Falls              35 MPH    0915 AM 02/25   CWOP
Wellpinit                    33 MPH    0908 AM 02/25   RAWS
1.8 S Springdale (AGRIMET)   25 MPH    1100 AM 02/25   MESOWEST
Addy                         24 MPH    1235 PM 02/25   CWOP
5 S Clayton                  20 MPH    0850 AM 02/25   AWS

...Whitman County...
Pullman/Moscow Airport       52 MPH    1150 AM 02/25   ASOS
Escure                       48 MPH    1241 PM 02/25   RAWS
Dusty (WA DOT)               47 MPH    0116 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
1.4 S Uniontown (WA DOT)     41 MPH    0127 PM 02/25   MESOWEST
Colton                       40 MPH    0105 PM 02/25   CWOP
Colfax                       37 MPH    1135 AM 02/25   DAVIS
LaCrosse                     36 MPH    1145 AM 02/25   DAVIS
Davis 04268                  33 MPH    1205 PM 02/25   DAVIS
Garfield                     33 MPH    1225 PM 02/25   DAVIS
LaCrosse                     30 MPH    0135 PM 02/25   DAVIS
4.6 SW Viola (SCAN)          24 MPH    0100 PM 02/25   MESOWEST

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
