


Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
916 UMAK19 PAOM 281201 COR SGLOME 70200 TTBB 78128 70200 00997 11359 11990 11159 22966 12357 33945 13558 44938 13729 55932 13749 66923 14350 77914 14933 88905 15544 99902 15556 11899 15358 22895 14759 33890 14360 44869 14756 55853 15556 66849 15156 77841 14536 88840 14543 99839 14358 11836 14357 22834 14358 33828 14130 44825 14126 55819 13927 66817 13740 77816 13525 88814 13335 99812 13322 11810 13135 22809 13131 33808 12948 44806 13129 55801 12927 66797 12935 77792 12956 88785 13341 99783 13324 11777 13107 22772 12525 33768 12517 44752 11938 55734 13144 66731 13545 77709 15145 88694 16322 99681 17136 11673 17564 22670 17964 33668 17968 44667 18165 55666 18157 66665 18357 77664 18365 88662 18560 99661 18747 11660 18946 22659 18950 33657 19139 44653 19557 55650 19741 66639 20534 77636 19757 88635 19957 99628 19959 11622 19966 22615 20160 33599 20763 44562 24959 55559 25161 66555 24774 77547 24185 88500 27584 99484 27974 11461 31368 22402 38763 33401 38963 44375 42559 55356 45161 66354 45161 77321 51149 88320 51550 99316 51758 11307 53557 22293 55537 33291 55943 44287 54171 55286 53787 66280 53573 77243 57366 88214 54776 99208 52978 11203 49582 22194 46984 33172 48583 44151 45385 55122 47784 66116 46185 77111 47385 88104 45186 99100 45986 21212 00997 00000 11790 26010 22755 21010 33660 21020 44647 19518 55632 20517 66610 18514 77582 18514 88562 16514 99517 18522 11499 17015 22456 19516 33407 19024 44340 20529 55272 18536 66258 17535 77235 19531 88225 17522 99222 17025 11209 16538 22202 18044 33180 19532 44176 18529 55172 17033 66139 18540 77125 17048 88118 18555 99104 20041 11100 19033 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 11503 22008= PPBB 78128 70200 90/12 00000 10005 15501 90346 14005 09004 26009 90789 20509 21505 20509 91012 21020 19518 19515 91467 17014 17520 17015 919// 19516 92025 19022 19024 20031 926// 20529 93012 18032 18536 17535 93457 19531 17025 18044 94016 19532 17033 18540 9489/ 17048 18555 95023 18048 20041 19033=