![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
637 UMAK19 PAOM 080001 COR SGLOME 70200 TTBB 58008 70200 00023 11959 11021 10362 22014 09562 33003 09564 44983 10564 55973 09759 66968 09963 77958 09965 88956 09965 99926 10559 11925 10559 22920 09756 33908 09727 44905 09529 55903 09528 66901 08726 77893 07736 88840 08732 99837 07956 11832 07956 22826 07561 33819 07357 44815 07359 55809 07363 66806 07362 77799 07562 88797 07365 99790 07560 11783 07764 22778 07961 33773 08165 44771 07961 55770 08150 66769 08142 77758 08756 88753 08937 99741 09344 11714 11929 22712 12138 33708 12158 44702 11573 55695 11966 66681 13164 77634 17167 88576 23361 99563 24762 11554 25366 22544 25768 33531 25970 44516 26370 55514 26568 66491 28974 77489 29171 88484 29356 99477 30126 11471 30916 22467 31330 33456 32710 44450 33322 55444 34115 66436 35118 77433 35334 88430 35725 99424 36541 11413 38124 22408 38531 33404 39321 44397 39943 55394 40337 66377 42745 77374 43333 88360 45323 99354 45939 11344 47341 22330 49127 33324 49735 44320 50332 55316 50750 66314 51134 77312 51331 88306 51735 99301 52323 11286 53949 22279 54350 33267 56525 44260 57149 55259 56750 66255 56962 77253 57164 88248 56959 99247 57358 11238 59156 22236 59758 33233 57165 44232 57166 55224 55971 66214 57768 77182 52180 88154 50782 99110 53581 11106 51983 22100 51983 21212 00023 34504 11996 07010 22955 10018 33931 09020 44917 10016 55899 07515 66829 13010 77802 20001 88771 23010 99717 23510 11698 26020 22588 24527 33467 27534 44406 27531 55349 26036 66262 22034 77249 23529 88240 22526 99216 25032 11200 24038 22131 25538 33100 24045 31313 44108 82305 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 09013 23007= PPBB 58008 70200 90/12 34504 08012 10019 90345 09514 09016 13010 90678 16003 24509 24008 909// 23009 91024 26020 25522 24526 916// 25026 92035 27534 27531 26533 926// 26036 93034 23030 22034 23529 9378/ 25032 24038 947// 25538 9503/ 24050 24045=