![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Omaha/Valley, NE
Issued by NWS Omaha/Valley, NE
505 UMUS43 KOAX 080000 SGLOAX 72558 TTBB 58008 72558 00974 05669 11968 05072 22896 00768 33870 01970 44861 01772 55854 00970 66818 02956 77789 03528 88763 04064 99744 03267 11675 02760 22650 05159 33608 08958 44591 10559 55569 12750 66543 09971 77520 12172 88503 14567 99426 23350 11419 24356 22411 25356 33390 28357 44342 34371 55339 34971 66282 46160 77266 49363 88243 54159 99238 55159 11214 58957 22212 58957 33207 58758 44196 59559 55172 55962 66170 55963 77151 58165 88146 57565 99145 57566 11137 59966 22129 59368 33121 60569 44118 59970 55116 59770 66112 60370 77104 56173 88101 54973 99100 55374 21212 00974 14012 11963 12016 22944 14019 33924 13521 44910 14020 55876 15027 66855 16039 77845 17039 88834 16539 99803 17528 11791 17022 22782 17523 33762 23029 44733 26023 55705 27030 66695 26530 77659 28034 88614 26544 99605 26041 11600 26044 22588 25544 33580 25546 44572 25045 55563 25048 66534 27065 77527 27564 88521 27062 99502 27565 11489 27567 22462 27574 33410 27584 44399 27584 55389 27585 66374 27591 77360 27603 88355 27604 99346 27608 11337 27606 22315 27603 33301 27105 44297 27103 55284 27106 66268 27109 77264 27108 88250 27104 99234 27111 11224 27116 22204 28125 33198 28120 44192 28117 55184 27627 66181 28132 77179 28132 88174 28127 99169 28126 11159 28132 22151 28627 33149 28626 44140 28618 55133 28609 66127 28605 77125 28602 88120 28602 99114 29089 11108 28081 22106 28083 33100 26569 31313 45408 82304 41414 20770 51515 10164 00091 10194 15529 24522= PPBB 58008 72558 90/23 14012 14019 14019 90456 15027 16539 17533 90789 17523 24024 26523 91023 26530 27535 26544 91456 26045 25045 25554 91789 27564 27062 27567 92045 27573 27584 27586 92678 27591 27604 27606 93023 27603 27106 27109 93456 27108 27105 27111 9379/ 27116 28125 94012 28117 27627 28132 94345 28126 28132 28627 94678 28626 28618 28609 949// 28602 95013 28603 29089 28083 954// 26570= NNNN