![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
784 UMUS46 KMTR 080001 COR SGLOAK 72493 TTBB 58008 72493 00023 12056 11927 05033 22924 05045 33903 03639 44880 01615 55854 00018 66836 00933 77806 03109 88802 03325 99801 03321 11799 03140 22795 03546 33789 03559 44787 03731 55786 03723 66778 03929 77757 05339 88750 05758 99746 06157 11739 06564 22731 07362 33726 07557 44718 08150 55706 08957 66702 09159 77700 09161 88696 08770 99688 07987 11682 07393 22630 10582 33568 16979 44527 19780 55520 19181 66502 19986 77470 23387 88465 22370 99457 23165 11456 23167 22441 25156 33439 25556 44435 25758 55433 25956 66423 26359 77418 26960 88403 29161 99401 29758 11393 30760 22382 32758 33376 33563 44365 35563 55344 37972 66325 40567 77304 42369 88297 41578 99287 42377 11271 45771 22259 44977 33217 47778 44215 47180 55206 48978 66188 46783 77161 50181 88141 55978 99126 58976 11122 58377 22112 60775 33100 60376 21212 00023 29006 11988 28511 22940 32011 33846 22001 44720 34510 55704 32516 66678 32521 77663 30524 88408 25576 99374 25571 11327 25598 22237 24626 33209 24601 44196 24616 55159 25584 66136 24591 77118 25570 88113 25576 99108 26560 11100 25549 31313 44108 82303 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 30507 29002= PPBB 58008 72493 90/12 29006 29011 31009 90345 31007 31004 22001 90678 28502 18004 22503 909// 31008 91012 32516 32521 30526 9146/ 29533 29039 92045 26566 25576 25572 9269/ 25571 25598 93069 25595 24626 24601 94058 24616 25584 24591 95012 25575 25570 25576 9534/ 26560 25549=