![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
467 UFUS46 KMTR 080000 ABVOAK 72493 TTCC 58001 72493 70855 62775 23528 50063 62176 30007 30380 59178 02007 20637 53781 03014 10082 51982 29535 88742 63574 24534 77999 31313 44108 82303= TTDD 5800/ 72493 11914 61975 22873 59377 33742 63574 44686 63175 55672 61776 66538 64375 77509 61776 88466 64574 99435 61177 11408 63176 22391 58779 33379 59978 44357 58378 55271 59778 66254 56580 77199 53581 88167 52382 99134 56180 11128 56180 22116 52782 33110 54380 44102 51982 55089 52781 66080 50783 77076 51183 21212 11926 24556 22864 27038 33836 26527 44826 25525 55801 22528 66755 24038 77738 25032 88668 23030 99630 25531 11599 25525 22565 29019 33538 27524 44528 27516 55522 26010 66506 25005 77495 31011 88480 31015 99467 30013 11446 35010 22380 04001 33372 35010 44350 01519 55337 04010 66315 06003 77296 00510 88281 00516 99270 01510 11263 04510 22255 03511 33250 01011 44240 03519 55213 01513 66198 03511 77186 06001 88165 03010 99152 05510 11127 27010 22112 33017 33109 31014 44103 29527 55098 30036 66089 34018 77087 33513 88086 32512 99084 29515 11080 30023 22076 33523 31313 44108 82303= PPDD 58008 72493 95689 24556 27038 22528 96013 23036 25032 23030 96456 25531 25525 29019 96789 27524 27516 31011 97014 30014 35010 04001 97567 35010 01519 04010 978// 06003 98012 01514 00516 01510 98347 01011 03519 01513 988// 03511 99024 34504 03010 05510 998// 27010 86012 32019 29527 30036 86345 34018 29515 30023=