Hydrometeorological Discussion
Issued by NWS Tuscaloosa, AL

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AGUS74 KWCO 091518

National Hydrologic Discussion - EXPERIMENTAL
NWS National Water Center - Tuscaloosa AL
1015 AM CDT SUN MAR 9 2025

Moderate to locally heavy rainfall in Florida...Flash flooding possible in
American Samoa...Additional rainfall beginning mid-week in
California...Flooding impacts possible late this week through the weekend
in the Lower Mississippi Valley into the Ohio Valley...


Florida and South Georgia...
Moderate to locally heavy rainfall may bring the potential for localized
flash and urban flooding to areas of the Panhandle and northeast FL through
today. Forecast rainfall amounts average 1 - 3" with locally higher
amounts, especially if training occurs (WPC). Top soils have become more
wet in areas along the Gulf (60 - 75%, 0 - 10cm RSM, NASA SPoRT) indicating
a diminished infiltration capacity.

The National Water Model (NWM) Short Range Forecast (SRF), forced by the
HRRR, suggests some potential for rapid onset flooding (ROF) across the
area of concern. Probabilities are generally between 25 - 50% from Panama
City, FL to Tallahassee, FL eastward into Valdosta, GA and Jacksonville,
FL. Latest RFC forecasts indicate minor river flooding with most rivers
cresting mid to late week. Overall, flash and urban flooding are the
primary concerns, and localized small stream flooding cannot be ruled out.

American Samoa...
Heavy rainfall may bring flash flooding through the weekend to all islands
with ponding of water and flooding of low-lying areas possible. Landslides
are also possible in areas of steep terrain.

Additional rounds of rainfall are forecast to impact the region on days 4 -
7 (Wed - Sat), with the heaviest rainfall expected on days 4 and 7
(Wed/Sat). Top soils are wet (55 - 70%, 0 - 10cm RSM, NASA SPoRT) in areas
along the coast, north of Santa Maria to Eureka, as well as the Sierra
Nevada, with most streamflows above normal (USGS) suggesting that rainfall
could quickly be converted to runoff into streams that are already running

The NWM Medium Range Forecast (MRF) is signaling for rapid-onset flooding
probabilities generally near 25% for areas surrounding Fresno, San
Francisco, and northern portions of Sacramento. While associated
annual-exceedance probabilities are around 50%, there are localized signals
near San Francisco, less than 10%, suggesting there could be some localized
small stream responses. Most peak flow arrival times on days 4 - 5 (Wed -
Thu). Despite models coming into better agreement as far as timing,
confidence still remains low in the exact magnitude of flooding impacts
later this week.

Lower Mississippi Valley into the Ohio Valley...
Heavy rainfall may bring the potential for flooding impacts starting day 6
(Fri) and through the weekend. Currently, ensemble river forecasts show
action to minor river flooding throughout the area of concern. This may
increase as the event approaches. The NWM is signaling peak flow arrival
times on days 6 - 10 (Fri - Tue). Recent rainfall has wetted soils (60 -
80%, 0 - 10 cm RSM, NASA SPoRT) and streamflows are normal to much above
normal indicating a diminished infiltration capacity. With lighter rainfall
forecast throughout the week up to this event in areas of the Lower
Mississippi Valley and Southeast, there are many areas where soils will not
have time to recover and moisture will likely increase with persistent
rainfall.This could lead to rapid runoff into already elevated streams,
creeks, and rivers.

