![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
404 UMUS46 KSGX 080001 COR SGLNKX 72293 TTBB 58008 72293 00004 14608 11988 13000 22981 12601 33936 10800 44922 10600 55920 10600 66879 08400 77870 07418 88869 07419 99848 07409 11841 07008 22827 06015 33817 05048 44815 05632 55812 05450 66807 04665 77785 06869 88741 05474 99730 05278 11719 06292 22717 06486 33714 06280 44709 06067 55686 04462 66664 03465 77603 01763 88582 04360 99572 04966 11505 11983 22498 12982 33436 19177 44431 19769 55429 19774 66425 20167 77423 20361 88422 20565 99420 20750 11412 21537 22409 21156 33405 21558 44395 22957 55391 23546 66379 25156 77371 26333 88360 27344 99336 31156 11320 34141 22317 34538 33308 35746 44306 35956 55295 37156 66280 40128 77276 40938 88273 41732 99271 42156 11269 42356 22267 42738 33264 43344 44262 43726 55261 43947 66257 44932 77241 48546 88239 48940 99237 49350 11231 50936 22229 51545 33226 52139 44224 52756 55221 53141 66220 53556 77218 53161 88216 52564 99212 53163 11209 53565 22207 52176 33188 54571 44178 56771 55170 57173 66166 58572 77149 61172 88147 61173 99133 64370 11132 63772 22128 64572 33119 66770 44118 66370 55112 67370 66105 69969 77100 65973 21212 00004 29507 11885 24010 22781 28019 33718 27037 44647 26036 55546 25540 66383 24068 77308 25081 88245 23592 99215 23090 11198 24084 22187 24094 33146 24568 44137 24074 55121 25569 66111 24067 77100 25059 31313 44108 82305 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 26009 27024= PPBB 58008 72293 90/12 29507 29010 27007 90346 23008 24010 26018 90789 27519 27524 28032 91023 27037 26034 26036 91467 25542 25542 25540 92056 25054 24068 24068 93016 24571 25081 23592 939// 23090 94127 24084 24094 24568 948// 24074 95013 25072 25569 24067 955// 25059=