![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
126 UFUS46 KSGX 080000 ABVNKX 72293 TTCC 58001 72293 70861 66772 27518 50061 65575 34513 30378 56979 00513 20636 53581 31014 10084 49184 27528 88782 70769 26045 77999 31313 44108 82305= TTDD 5800/ 72293 11987 64374 22930 64773 33782 70769 44696 66372 55622 70968 66578 71768 77551 70569 88526 72568 99511 70571 11506 66374 22501 65575 33476 66773 44465 66773 55451 63576 66439 63975 77392 59977 88386 60777 99332 58978 11312 56580 22284 57978 33262 54980 44241 56979 55192 52981 66153 54381 77130 49583 88118 52581 99105 51382 11099 48984 22093 50582 33088 49584 44087 47385 55083 45985 66076 47584 21212 11965 24559 22857 27538 33772 26545 44726 29029 55695 27016 66678 28510 77661 26507 88644 24010 99612 27020 11585 24517 22529 30526 33515 30022 44501 34513 55483 34012 66466 31513 77459 32013 88448 01012 99430 00512 11415 33512 22397 02510 33385 02004 44358 33510 55349 33516 66345 34517 77333 03010 88306 02010 99296 35513 11255 04010 22241 00000 33208 30010 44193 31020 55174 25017 66167 26022 77159 30516 88155 30513 99141 28520 11134 31018 22128 28018 33118 30018 44113 28016 55111 26518 66095 28029 77091 29540 88089 30534 99085 26526 11082 26521 22081 26020 33079 24525 44076 25531 31313 44108 82305= PPDD 58008 72293 9568/ 24559 27538 96012 26045 29029 27016 96345 28510 24010 27020 96689 24517 30526 34513 97012 31512 01012 00512 97346 33512 02004 34517 9779/ 03010 02010 98034 00506 04010 00000 9879/ 30010 31020 99012 27016 25017 26022 99356 30516 28520 31018 9979/ 28018 30018 86023 28516 28029 29540 8645/ 26526 25531=