Regional Weather Roundup
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
760 ASUS45 KTFX 092210 RWRMT Montana Regional Weather Roundup National Weather Service Great Falls MT 400 PM MDT SUN MAR 09 2025 NOTE: "FAIR" indicates few or no clouds below 12,000 feet with no significant weather and/or obstructions to visibility. MTZ001>007-043-092300- West of the divide CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Kalispell PTSUNNY 57 25 29 SE15 29.81F Missoula MOSUNNY 60 23 24 VRB6 29.88F Butte MOSUNNY 54 18 24 W14G23 29.94F Anaconda PTCLDY 57 10 15 SW21G28 29.92F Hamilton PTSUNNY 61 10 13 SW9G23 29.91F Mullan Pass PTSUNNY 41 19 41 SW8G24 29.91F Ronan CLEAR 59 23 25 S20 29.85F $$ MTZ008-052>055-092300- Southwest Montana CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Bozeman MOSUNNY 53 21 28 CALM 29.95F Dillon MOSUNNY 50 18 28 S21G29 29.98F Ennis PTSUNNY 50 14 23 S35G43 30.04F Twin Bridges PTCLDY 57 18 21 S24G30 29.97F $$ MTZ009-010-012-014-046-048-049-054-092300- East Slopes and Central Montana CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Cut Bank PTSUNNY 54 18 24 W38G53 29.73F Great Falls PTSUNNY 60 17 18 SW33G46 29.78F Helena MOSUNNY 62 20 19 CALM 29.86F Malmstrom AFB PTSUNNY 62 14 15 SW35G41 29.77F Augusta PTSUNNY 61 13 15 SW29 29.77F Bowmans Corner MOSUNNY 58 13 17 SW30 29.75F Fairfield PTSUNNY 62 13 15 W24G35 29.75F Power PTSUNNY 59 20 22 SW25G36 29.75R Raynesford PTSUNNY 59 16 18 SW24G31 29.80S Ulm PTSUNNY 62 14 15 W25G35 29.76F $$ MTZ011-013-016-021-045-047-050-051-092300- North Central Montana CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Havre CLOUDY 60 25 26 SW13 29.72F Lewistown PTSUNNY 43 27 53 SW18 29.84F Denton PTSUNNY 58 16 19 W23 N/A Fort Benton MOCLDY 63 17 17 SW15G25 29.74F Grass Range PTSUNNY 61 16 17 W21G28 29.78F N Bar Ranch PTSUNNY 57 9 14 W21G30 29.86S Roy PTSUNNY 59 17 19 W18 29.78F Winifred PTSUNNY 58 16 19 SW25 29.77F $$ MTZ017>020-022>027-061-062-092300- Northeast Montana CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Glasgow CLOUDY 61 23 23 W14 29.76F Glendive PTSUNNY 61 21 21 W16G23 29.82S Jordan N/A 59 25 27 W8 29.81F Malta SUNNY 63 19 19 SW22 29.73F Plentywood PTSUNNY 54 28 37 W21G28 29.71F Poplar PTSUNNY 63 25 23 W21G29 29.75S Sidney MOSUNNY 66 20 17 W17G26 29.76F Wolf Point PTSUNNY 61 21 21 SW13G23 29.76F $$ MTZ028>42-056>058-092300- Southcentral and southeast Montana CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Baker PTSUNNY 60 20 21 W22 29.85F Billings PTSUNNY 60 19 20 SW21G32 29.89F Hardin CLEAR 63 19 19 SW18 29.86F Harlowton FAIR 60 14 16 W15 N/A Livingston PTSUNNY 59 20 22 SW31G44 29.91F Miles City CLOUDY 58 23 26 W7 29.85F $$ Regional Reports...Dakotas/MN CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Williston PTSUNNY 58 28 32 W14 29.74F Minot PTSUNNY 55 30 38 W20G28 29.73S Dickinson MOSUNNY 63 19 18 W18 29.79S Beach N/A 63 14 15 W23 29.82F Bowman FAIR 63 19 19 W20G25 29.84S Crosby FAIR 48 34 57 SW9 29.71F Glen Ullin FAIR 63 12 14 NW18G29 29.78S Hettinger PTSUNNY 64 20 18 W14G25 29.84F Tioga FAIR 52 32 46 W10 29.75F Watford City N/A 63 23 22 NW17G29 29.76F Bismarck PTSUNNY 64 21 19 NW18G26 29.78F Grand Forks PTSUNNY 53 31 42 VRB5 29.75F Fargo MOSUNNY 58 31 35 NW3 29.76S Buffalo SD N/A 62 15 16 W29G36 29.83F Rapid City MOSUNNY 66 19 16 S7 29.92F Intl Falls CLOUDY 46 27 47 W6 29.70R Duluth SUNNY 55 26 32 W16G23 29.69R Minneapolis MOSUNNY 59 31 34 W12 29.77S $$ Regional Reports...WY/CO/ID/WA/OR CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Buffalo WY MOSUNNY 45 31 58 N6 29.93F Cody MOSUNNY 56 22 26 N6 30.00F Gillette PTSUNNY 47 32 56 SW16 29.95F Powell FAIR 46 27 46 SE14 29.98F Sheridan PTSUNNY 61 36 39 NW7 29.90F Boise SUNNY 63 24 22 SE14G24 30.07F Couer d`Alene CLOUDY 56 29 35 SW21 29.89F Idaho Falls SUNNY 49 26 41 S9 30.19F Salmon PTSUNNY 52 28 39 N13 30.00F Spokane CLOUDY 54 28 36 SW20 29.89F Seattle CLOUDY 54 37 52 SW16G25 29.91F Portland CLOUDY 60 37 42 SW10 30.01F $$ Other Reports CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Atlanta CLOUDY 49 45 86 E12 30.00R Anchorage CLOUDY 34 21 60 N7 29.34F WCI 28 Boston CLOUDY 43 18 36 W17G30 29.76R Chicago PTSUNNY 57 33 40 SW18G25 29.87F Fairbanks MOSUNNY 30 12 47 NE16 29.42F WCI 19 Great Falls PTSUNNY 60 17 18 SW33G46 29.78F Houston CLOUDY 57 42 57 NW18G29 30.06S Las Vegas NV SUNNY 67 20 16 SE5 30.20F Phoenix AZ SUNNY 75 28 17 CALM 30.12F Salt Lake City SUNNY 57 25 28 S9 30.19F San Diego SUNNY 68 42 38 NW6 30.14F San Francisco MOSUNNY 59 43 55 SW14G22 30.14F Washington Dul MOSUNNY 60 23 24 W9 29.92R $$ Regional Reports...Alberta CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Calgary PTSUNNY 50 19 29 W24G38 29.53S Fort McMurray FLURRIES -4 -13 65 W5 29.93 WCI -15 High Level FLURRIES 0 -9 65 S6 29.95F WCI -12 Lethbridge CLOUDY 55 19 24 SW40G55 29.63F Medicine Hat CLOUDY 57 23 26 W24G35 29.64F Pincher Creek SUNNY 52 18 25 W31G39 29.71F Fort Smith NWT MOSUNNY -2 -17 50 N7 30.04S WCI -16 $$ Regional Reports...Saskatchewan CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Estevan PTSUNNY 46 36 66 W8 29.70F Prince Albert CLOUDY 25 18 74 NE12 29.69F WCI 14 Regina PTSUNNY 37 32 81 S12 29.63F WCI 30 Saskatoon PTSUNNY 34 28 80 E15 29.59F WCI 24 Swift Current SUNNY 52 30 43 W15G26 29.60F $$