Hydrometeorological Discussion
Issued by NWS North Central River Forecast Center

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AGUS73 KMSR 091614

Hydrometeorological Forecast Discussion
NWS North Central River Forecast Center Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN
1114 AM CDT Sun Mar 9 2025

River forecasts routinely incorporate 24 hours of QPF from
April 1 to September 30 and 48 hours from October 1 to March 31.
See http://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI_QPF_NcrfcCurrentQpf

...Forecast Activity...
RVF forecasts issued today.  Issue times are in UTC.
Subtract 6 hrs for CST, 5 hrs for CDT/EST, 4 hrs for EDT.

RVF  Forecast Group description             Issue Time
ILO Mainstem Illinois R                2025-03-09 16:10 UTC
M10 Miss. R - Lake City, MN-L&D 10     2025-03-09 14:33 UTC
M19 Miss. R - L&D 11-Gregory Landing   2025-03-09 15:50 UTC
MIS Miss. R - L&D 20 to Chester, IL    2025-03-09 16:11 UTC
NLM Northern Lower Michigan rivers     2025-03-09 13:38 UTC
RDW Mississippi R abv Red Wing, MN     2025-03-09 14:32 UTC
WIS Wisconsin R Basin                  2025-03-09 14:27 UTC


No forecast points in the NCRFC forecast area are forecast to rise
above Flood Stage.

...Past Precipitation...
Observation times are in UTC.
Subtract 6 hrs for CST, 5 hrs for CDT/EST, 4 hrs for EDT.

No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area
of Iowa during the last 24 hours.

Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Illinois:
LID      OBTIME/SHEF  VALUE   NAME / DETAIL                     STATE
PAWI2    DH1200/PPDRZ 0.001 : Paw Paw 2S                          IL
JAXI2    DH1150/PPDRZ 0.001 : Jacksonville 2E                     IL

No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area
of Indiana during the last 24 hours.

Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Michigan:
LID      OBTIME/SHEF  VALUE   NAME / DETAIL                     STATE
QNCM4    DH1200/PPDRZ  0.06 : Hancock 1N                          MI
HERM4    DH1200/PPDRZ  0.06 : Herman                              MI
MIHG21   DH1100/PPDRZ  0.06 : Atlantic Mine 4NW                   MI
KSGM4    DH1200/PPDRZ  0.03 : Kearsarge                           MI
MIEM05   DH1100/PPDRZ  0.03 : Harbor Springs 1ENE                 MI

Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Minnesota:
LID      OBTIME/SHEF  VALUE   NAME / DETAIL                     STATE
MNSL198  DH1400/PPDRZ  0.07 : Ely 6SSW                            MN
MNCK03   DH1200/PPDRZ  0.07 : Tofte 5NE                           MN
MNCK06   DH1200/PPDRZ  0.07 : Grand Marais 4W                     MN
GNA      DH1156/PPDRZ  0.06 : Grand Maris - Cook Cnty (ASOS)      MN
GMRM5    DH1130/PPDRZ  0.06 : Grand Marais                        MN

No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area
of Missouri during the last 24 hours.

No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area
of North Dakota during the last 24 hours.

No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area
of South Dakota during the last 24 hours.

Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Wisconsin:
LID      OBTIME/SHEF  VALUE   NAME / DETAIL                     STATE
D25      DH1155/PPDRZ 0.001 : Manitowish Waters Arpt              WI
LNOW3    DH1200/PPDRZ 0.001 : Land O` Lakes 12W                   WI
WILF05   DH1200/PPDRZ 0.001 : Benton                              WI
WIVL09   DH1200/PPDRZ 0.001 : Land O` Lakes 12W                   WI
WIVL14   DH1200/PPDRZ 0.001 : Boulder Junction 1NE                WI


See http://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI_QCPCPN for all reports.

For additional and more in-depth information concerning river
forecasts, precipitation and all hydrometeorological information
in the NCRFC area of responsibility, please refer to the NCRFC
web page at:     http://www.weather.gov/ncrfc
