Flood Potential Outlook
Issued by NWS Missoula, MT

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FGUS75 KMSO 251638

Hydrologic Outlook
National Weather Service Missoula MT
1038 AM MDT Tue Mar 25 2025

...Rises on small streams and creeks through Thursday due to warm
temperatures and accelerated snowmelt...

Where: Idaho and Clearwater Counties

What: Temperatures in the 60s and 70s are anticipated for the mid
elevations through Thursday, with overnight temperatures not
anticipated to drop below freezing.  This will accelerate snow melt
in the mid and upper elevations, leading to rapidly rising water
levels on small streams and creeks.  Flooding is not anticipated at
this time, though Orofino Creek in Orofino may approach action
stage, with a low probability of reaching minor flood stage.

When: Through Thursday, March 27.

People with activities near creeks and streams should exercise
caution as flows will be swift and cold. Monitor the latest weather
and river forecasts from the National Weather Service at
weather.gov/Missoula or water.noaa.gov/wfo/mso.