Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Marquette, MI
Issued by NWS Marquette, MI
604 NOUS43 KMQT 070304 PNSMQT MIZ001>007-009>014-084-085-071504- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 1004 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGHEST WIND REPORTS... Location Speed Time/Date Lat/Lon ...Michigan... ...Alger County... Munising Lakeshore 48 MPH 0652 PM 02/06 46.41N/86.65W 2 S Trenary 41 MPH 0430 PM 02/06 46.16N/86.98W ...Baraga County... 4 NNW Watton 41 MPH 0531 PM 02/06 46.60N/88.63W ...Delta County... Escanaba 51 MPH 0346 PM 02/06 45.75N/87.08W 3 N Escanaba 43 MPH 0430 PM 02/06 45.79N/87.08W ...Dickinson County... 1 NW Kingsford 49 MPH 0238 PM 02/06 45.82N/88.12W 1 W Iron Mountain 48 MPH 0315 PM 02/06 45.83N/88.08W ...Gogebic County... 1 WNW Wakefield 53 MPH 0215 PM 02/06 46.48N/89.95W 4 NW Bessemer 45 MPH 0234 PM 02/06 46.52N/90.12W Ironwood Airport 45 MPH 0234 PM 02/06 46.52N/90.12W 1 S Watersmeet 40 MPH 0445 PM 02/06 46.26N/89.18W ...Houghton County... Houghton Co Airport 61 MPH 1235 PM 02/06 47.17N/88.48W 1 E Trout Creek 42 MPH 0400 PM 02/06 46.48N/88.99W ...Keweenaw County... Copper Harbor 59 MPH 0736 PM 02/06 47.47N/87.88W Ojibway - Isle Royale 49 MPH 0824 PM 02/06 48.11N/88.61W Phoenix 40 MPH 0215 PM 02/06 47.39N/88.28W ...Luce County... Newberry MDOT 43 MPH 0730 PM 02/06 46.30N/85.26W Newberry 40 MPH 0655 PM 02/06 46.30N/85.45W McMillan (MAWN) 40 MPH 0800 PM 02/06 46.31N/85.65W ...Marquette County... Sawyer Airport 51 MPH 0522 PM 02/06 46.35N/87.40W WFO-Negaunee Township 43 MPH 0618 PM 02/06 46.53N/87.55W 2 W Sundell 40 MPH 0400 PM 02/06 46.35N/87.12W ...Menominee County... Menominee 44 MPH 0251 PM 02/06 45.12N/87.62W ...Ontonagon County... Ontonagon 54 MPH 0400 PM 02/06 46.87N/89.31W Silver City 46 MPH 0430 PM 02/06 46.83N/89.57W 6 E Mass City 42 MPH 0400 PM 02/06 46.77N/88.95W Nisula MDOT 42 MPH 0400 PM 02/06 46.77N/88.95W 2 SE Rockland 41 MPH 0315 PM 02/06 46.72N/89.15W ...Schoolcraft County... Manistique MDOT 48 MPH 0745 PM 02/06 45.97N/86.20W Port Inland 43 MPH 0700 PM 02/06 45.97N/85.87W 3 ENE Manistique 40 MPH 0545 PM 02/06 45.97N/86.20W ...Maritime Stations... Minneapolis Shoal 65 MPH 0500 PM 02/06 45.58N/87.00W Grand Marais 62 MPH 0640 PM 02/06 46.68N/85.97W Granite Island 62 MPH 0420 PM 02/06 46.73N/87.41W Passage Island Lighthouse 56 MPH 0700 PM 02/06 48.22N/88.37W Rock of Ages Lighthouse 54 MPH 0900 PM 02/06 47.87N/89.31W 4 ENE Silver City 46 MPH 0626 PM 02/06 46.85N/89.48W Fairport 44 MPH 0540 PM 02/06 45.62N/86.66W && **METADATA** :2/06/2025,0430 PM, MI, Alger, 2 S Trenary, , , 46.16, -86.98, PKGUST, 41, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0652 PM, MI, Alger, Munising Lakeshore, , , 46.4117, -86.6508, PKGUST, 48, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0531 PM, MI, Baraga, 4 NNW Watton, , , 46.6, -88.63, PKGUST, 41, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0430 PM, MI, Delta, 3 N Escanaba, , , 45.79, -87.08, PKGUST, 43, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0346 PM, MI, Delta, Escanaba, , , 45.75, -87.08, PKGUST, 51, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0315 PM, MI, Dickinson, 1 W Iron Mountain, , , 45.827698119473, -88.082264515237, PKGUST, 48, mph, Trained Spotter, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0238 PM, MI, Dickinson, 1 NW Kingsford, , , 45.82, -88.12, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0445 PM, MI, Gogebic, 1 S Watersmeet, , , 46.26, -89.18, PKGUST, 40, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0234 PM, MI, Gogebic, 4 NW Bessemer, , , 46.52, -90.12, PKGUST, 45, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0234 PM, MI, Gogebic, Ironwood Airport, , , 46.5167, -90.1167, PKGUST, 45, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0215 PM, MI, Gogebic, 1 WNW Wakefield, , , 46.48, -89.95, PKGUST, 53, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0400 PM, MI, Houghton, 1 E Trout Creek, , , 46.48, -88.99, PKGUST, 42, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,1235 PM, MI, Houghton, Houghton Co Airport, , , 47.17, -88.48, PKGUST, 61, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0215 PM, MI, Keweenaw, Phoenix, , , 47.39, -88.28, PKGUST, 40, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0824 PM, MI, Keweenaw, Ojibway - Isle Royale, , , 48.1091, -88.6073, PKGUST, 49, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0736 PM, MI, Keweenaw, Copper Harbor, , , 47.4667, -87.8833, PKGUST, 59, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0655 PM, MI, Luce, Newberry, , , 46.3, -85.45, PKGUST, 40, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0800 PM, MI, Luce, McMillan (MAWN), , , 46.3134, -85.6487, PKGUST, 40, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0730 PM, MI, Luce, Newberry MDOT, , , 46.3038, -85.26, PKGUST, 43, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0400 PM, MI, Marquette, 2 W Sundell, , , 46.35, -87.12, PKGUST, 40, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0618 PM, MI, Marquette, WFO-Negaunee Township, , , 46.5312, -87.5483, PKGUST, 43, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0522 PM, MI, Marquette, Sawyer Airport, , , 46.35, -87.4, PKGUST, 51, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0251 PM, MI, Menominee, Menominee, , , 45.12, -87.62, PKGUST, 44, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0315 PM, MI, Ontonagon, 2 SE Rockland, , , 46.72, -89.15, PKGUST, 41, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0400 PM, MI, Ontonagon, 6 E Mass City, , , 46.77, -88.95, PKGUST, 42, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0400 PM, MI, Ontonagon, Nisula MDOT, , , 46.7658, -88.9452, PKGUST, 42, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0430 PM, MI, Ontonagon, Silver City, , , 46.83, -89.57, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0400 PM, MI, Ontonagon, Ontonagon, , , 46.87, -89.31, PKGUST, 54, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0545 PM, MI, Schoolcraft, 3 ENE Manistique, , , 45.97, -86.2, PKGUST, 40, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0700 PM, MI, Schoolcraft, Port Inland, , , 45.9699, -85.8715, PKGUST, 43, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust, :2/06/2025,0745 PM, MI, Schoolcraft, Manistique MDOT, , , 45.967, -86.2027, PKGUST, 48, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$