Recreational Report
Issued by NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan, WI

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SXUS43 KMKX 280029

Evening Hot Air Balloon Forecast
National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI
729 PM CDT THU MAR 27 2025


.This Evening...

    Sunset:                          712 PM

    Boundary Layer Wind:             7 PM  190/10 MPH

    NWS Doppler Winds (at 0717 PM):  1000ft  170/14 MPH
                                     2000ft  170/16 MPH
                                     3000ft  190/25 MPH

    RAP Winds (from 2200Z run):      1000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     2000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     3000ft  Mis/sing MPH

    Surface Lifted Index:            7 PM  +11

    Additional Weather Info:         See Waukesha TAF below

.Outlook for Tomorrow Morning...

    Sunrise:        640 AM
    Weather:        Possible low ceilings,
                    Precipitation likely
                    See Waukesha TAF below
    Surface Wind:   7 AM  150/06 MPH
                    9 AM  180/08G17 MPH
    Boundary Wind:  7 AM  170/09 MPH

.Latest Waukesha TAF(2333Z)...

    FM272333 18006KT P6SM SCT090
    FM280600 15006KT P6SM SCT018 BKN030 PROB30 2808/2810 4SM -TSRA
    FM281000 14006KT 6SM -SHRA OVC012 PROB30 2810/2813 2SM -TSRA
    FM281300 16007KT P6SM BKN009 OVC012
    FM281700 22012G22KT P6SM SCT030=



.This Evening...

    Sunset:                          712 PM

    Boundary Layer Wind:             7 PM  150/14 MPH

    NWS Doppler Winds (at 0717 PM):  1000ft  170/14 MPH
                                     2000ft  170/16 MPH
                                     3000ft  190/25 MPH

    RAP Winds (from 2200Z run):      1000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     2000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     3000ft  Mis/sing MPH

    Surface Lifted Index:            7 PM  +13

    Additional Weather Info:         Possible low ceilings
                                     See Janesville TAF below

.Outlook for Tomorrow Morning...

    Sunrise:        640 AM
    Weather:        Possible low ceilings,
                    Slight chance of precipitation
                    See Janesville TAF below
    Surface Wind:   7 AM  170/09G16 MPH
                    9 AM  190/12G23 MPH
    Boundary Wind:  7 AM  180/10 MPH

.Latest Janesville TAF(2333Z)...

    FM272333 16007KT P6SM BKN030 OVC035
    FM280400 15007KT P6SM BKN017 OVC027 PROB30 2805/2808 4SM
    FM280800 15007KT 5SM -SHRA SCT009 OVC013 PROB30
     2808/2811 2SM
     -TSRA OVC008CB
    FM281100 17008KT P6SM BKN014 OVC027
    FM281600 21014G25KT P6SM SCT030



.This Evening...

    Sunset:                          712 PM

    Boundary Layer Wind:             7 PM  160/15 MPH

    NWS Doppler Winds (at 0717 PM):  1000ft  170/14 MPH
                                     2000ft  170/16 MPH
                                     3000ft  190/25 MPH

    RAP Winds (from 2200Z run):      1000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     2000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     3000ft  Mis/sing MPH

    Surface Lifted Index:            7 PM  +13

    Additional Weather Info:         Possible low ceilings
                                     See Madison TAF below

.Outlook for Tomorrow Morning...

    Sunrise:        640 AM
    Weather:        Possible low ceilings,
                    Slight chance of precipitation
                    See Madison TAF below
    Surface Wind:   7 AM  160/07G14 MPH
                    9 AM  180/09G18 MPH
    Boundary Wind:  7 AM  150/07 MPH

.Latest Madison TAF(2333Z)...

    FM272333 16010KT P6SM BKN080
    FM280300 15007KT P6SM SCT010 OVC029 PROB30 2807/2809 4SM
    FM280900 15007KT 5SM -SHRA BKN010 OVC022 PROB30
     2809/2812 2SM
     -TSRA BKN008CB OVC010
    FM281200 18008KT P6SM SCT009 OVC013
    FM281600 22014G24KT P6SM SCT030



.This Evening...

    Sunset:                          712 PM

    Boundary Layer Wind:             7 PM  170/10 MPH

    NWS Doppler Winds (at 0717 PM):  1000ft  170/14 MPH
                                     2000ft  170/16 MPH
                                     3000ft  190/25 MPH

    RAP Winds (from 2200Z run):      1000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     2000ft  Mis/sing MPH
                                     3000ft  Mis/sing MPH

    Surface Lifted Index:            7 PM  +17

    Additional Weather Info:         See Sheboygan TAF below

.Outlook for Tomorrow Morning...

    Sunrise:        640 AM
    Weather:        Possible low ceilings,
                    Precipitation likely
                    See Sheboygan TAF below
    Surface Wind:   7 AM  140/08 MPH
                    9 AM  150/10 MPH
    Boundary Wind:  7 AM  150/12 MPH

.Latest Sheboygan TAF(2333Z)...

    FM272333 15006KT P6SM BKN080
    FM280700 13006KT P6SM BKN030 PROB30 2809/2811 4SM -SHRA
    FM281100 14007KT 4SM -SHRA SCT009 OVC012 PROB30
     2811/2814 1SM
     -SHRA OVC007
    FM281500 14007KT P6SM BKN007 OVC012
    FM281800 21012G22KT P6SM SCT020 BKN035


This forecast is not routinely updated or amended outside of
scheduled issuances.
