![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Newport/Morehead, NC
Issued by NWS Newport/Morehead, NC
303 UMUS42 KMHX 080000 SGLMHX 72305 TTBB 58008 72305 00017 17826 11012 17435 22996 21058 33964 19464 44933 16862 55903 14260 66880 12259 77845 09662 88756 03057 99714 01067 11707 01270 22687 00681 33667 00775 44635 02989 55597 06380 66591 06782 77565 08390 88540 10775 99529 11980 11524 12577 22507 14374 33482 16777 44467 18573 55430 22378 66372 31364 77346 35764 88337 37363 99320 39964 11296 43966 22281 46765 33259 49362 44255 49762 55253 49962 66243 48763 77230 49165 88224 48766 99217 48966 11213 48967 22132 63973 33113 69574 44109 70375 55105 69776 66104 69576 77101 70176 88100 70576 21212 00017 20003 11007 23515 22984 27009 33978 29009 44965 29511 55950 28511 66942 28511 77931 28512 88917 28512 99897 29013 11864 29517 22843 29021 33834 30024 44814 29026 55794 29531 66752 30540 77730 30047 88680 27534 99651 27043 11642 26540 22611 26043 33604 26045 44585 26544 55547 28554 66538 28059 77530 28559 88506 28063 99498 28066 11490 28065 22460 29069 33447 29567 44427 28574 55410 28572 66403 28574 77397 28572 88390 28574 99384 29072 11366 29072 22347 28578 33338 28580 44333 28579 55328 29081 66314 29080 77306 29077 88302 29078 99299 29081 11280 28582 22273 28583 33255 28598 44252 28597 55248 28599 66245 28602 77228 29105 88219 28605 99213 28603 11199 28103 22196 28604 33193 28603 44176 29109 55170 28607 66165 28111 77163 28117 88152 28612 99145 28607 11135 29101 22128 28091 33126 28101 44124 28097 55122 28101 66118 28598 77116 28602 88111 29099 99109 29100 11101 27574 22100 27574 31313 45408 82305 41414 00900 51515 10164 00091 10194 28512 30034= PPBB 58008 72305 90/12 20003 27008 28510 90346 29012 29015 29523 90789 29531 30534 30047 91123 27534 27043 26540 91456 26043 26544 27547 91789 28059 28559 28066 92012 28567 29069 29567 92345 28574 28574 28574 92789 29072 28578 29081 93013 29079 29081 28583 93567 28598 28601 29105 9389/ 28605 28603 94013 28103 28603 29109 94456 28111 28117 28612 9478/ 28607 29101 95012 28101 28598 29099 9534/ 29100 27574= NNNN