Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Newport/Morehead, NC

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NOUS42 KMHX 060245

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC
938 PM EST Wed Mar 5 2025


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Lat/Lon

...North Carolina...

...Carteret County...
1 NW Harkers Island          64 MPH    0506 PM 03/05   34.70N/76.57W
Beaufort (MRH ASOS)          49 MPH    0508 PM 03/05   34.73N/76.65W
Morehead City 4.7 W          48 MPH    0500 PM 03/05   34.73N/76.81W
Fort Macon (WxFlow)          47 MPH    0511 PM 03/05   34.70N/76.69W

...Craven County...
1 E Havelock                 69 MPH    0435 PM 03/05   34.91N/76.88W
New Bern (EWN ASOS)          58 MPH    0229 PM 03/05   35.07N/77.05W
Havelock 0.7 NW              46 MPH    0440 PM 03/05   34.89N/76.91W

...Dare County...
Avon (WxFlow)                94 MPH    0618 PM 03/05   35.35N/75.50W
1 NNE Frisco                 63 MPH    0604 PM 03/05   35.24N/75.62W
Frisco (HSE ASOS)            60 MPH    0445 PM 03/05   35.23N/75.62W
KHK Resort (WxFlow)          54 MPH    0640 PM 03/05   35.58N/75.47W
Oregon Inlet CG (WxFlow)     52 MPH    0404 PM 03/05   35.80N/75.55W
Real Slick (WxFlow)          50 MPH    0425 PM 03/05   35.57N/75.47W
Dare Bomb Range RAWS         49 MPH    0348 PM 03/05   35.76N/75.87W
ECU Coastal Studies Institut 47 MPH    0250 PM 03/05   35.87N/75.66W
Oregon Inlet (WxFlow)        47 MPH    0333 PM 03/05   35.80N/75.55W

...Duplin County...
1 NNW Calypso                51 MPH    0155 PM 03/05   35.16N/78.11W
Kenansville                  49 MPH    0200 PM 03/05   34.96N/77.96W

...Onslow County...
Jacksonville (NCA ASOS)      58 MPH    0236 PM 03/05   34.72N/77.45W
Richlands (OAJ AWOS)         49 MPH    0303 PM 03/05   34.82N/77.62W
New River Station            48 MPH    0129 PM 03/05   34.71N/77.44W
Jacksonville 1.7 NNW         47 MPH    0259 PM 03/05   34.77N/77.44W

...Pamlico County...
Oriental 1.7 NE              45 MPH    0300 PM 03/05   35.05N/76.67W

...Pitt County...
Greenville (PGV AWOS)        45 MPH    0110 PM 03/05   35.62N/77.40W

...Washington County...
Roper 9.8 ENE                47 MPH    1215 PM 03/05   35.95N/76.47W
Pocosin Lakes RAWS           46 MPH    0417 PM 03/05   35.74N/76.51W

...Maritime Stations...
2 NNW Ocracoke Lighthouse    58 MPH    0549 PM 03/05   35.14N/76.00W
Diamond Buoy (41025)         58 MPH    0600 PM 03/05   35.02N/75.36W
Pamlico Sound (WxFlow)       57 MPH    0608 PM 03/05   35.42N/75.83W
Duck Pier                    57 MPH    0230 PM 03/05   36.18N/75.75W
Jennettes Pier (WxFlow)      57 MPH    0349 PM 03/05   35.91N/75.59W
Whalebone                    56 MPH    0349 PM 03/05   35.91N/75.59W
Atlantic Channel (WxFlow)    54 MPH    0529 PM 03/05   34.88N/76.34W
Onslow Bay Buoy (41064)      54 MPH    0308 PM 03/05   34.21N/76.95W
Roanoke Sound Channel (WxFlo 53 MPH    0343 PM 03/05   35.94N/75.66W
Alligator River Br (WxFlow)  52 MPH    0429 PM 03/05   35.90N/76.01W
Avon Sound (WxFlow)          51 MPH    0616 PM 03/05   35.37N/75.51W
Croatan Sound (WxFlow)       46 MPH    0409 PM 03/05   35.87N/75.67W

:3/05/2025,0511 PM, NC, Carteret, Fort Macon (WxFlow), , , 34.7005, -76.6882, PKGUST, 47, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0500 PM, NC, Carteret, Morehead City 4.7 W, , , 34.7308, -76.8077, PKGUST, 48, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0508 PM, NC, Carteret, Beaufort (MRH ASOS), , , 34.7333, -76.65, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0506 PM, NC, Carteret, 1 NW Harkers Island, , , 34.7018, -76.5675, PKGUST, 64, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0440 PM, NC, Craven, Havelock 0.7 NW, , , 34.8875, -76.91, PKGUST, 46, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0229 PM, NC, Craven, New Bern (EWN ASOS), , , 35.0667, -77.05, PKGUST, 58, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0435 PM, NC, Craven, 1 E Havelock, , , 34.9088, -76.8804, PKGUST, 69, mph, Public, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0250 PM, NC, Dare, ECU Coastal Studies Institute, , , 35.8744, -75.6607, PKGUST, 47, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0333 PM, NC, Dare, Oregon Inlet (WxFlow), , , 35.7998, -75.5453, PKGUST, 47, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0348 PM, NC, Dare, Dare Bomb Range RAWS, , , 35.7608, -75.8715, PKGUST, 49, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0425 PM, NC, Dare, Real Slick (WxFlow), , , 35.5658, -75.4699, PKGUST, 50, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0404 PM, NC, Dare, Oregon Inlet CG (WxFlow), , , 35.7962, -75.5501, PKGUST, 52, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0640 PM, NC, Dare, KHK Resort (WxFlow), , , 35.5836, -75.4684, PKGUST, 54, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0351 PM, NC, Dare, 1 ENE Frisco, , , 35.233, -75.6179, PKGUST, 58, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0445 PM, NC, Dare, Frisco (HSE ASOS), , , 35.2333, -75.6167, PKGUST, 60, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0604 PM, NC, Dare, 1 NNE Frisco, , , 35.2418, -75.6224, PKGUST, 63, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0618 PM, NC, Dare, Avon (WxFlow), , , 35.3473, -75.5013, PKGUST, 94, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0200 PM, NC, Duplin, Kenansville, , , 34.9627, -77.9633, PKGUST, 49, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0155 PM, NC, Duplin, 1 NNW Calypso, , , 35.162, -78.1076, PKGUST, 51, mph, Trained Spotter, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0259 PM, NC, Onslow, Jacksonville 1.7 NNW, , , 34.7708, -77.4362, PKGUST, 47, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0129 PM, NC, Onslow, New River Station, , , 34.7094, -77.4425, PKGUST, 48, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0303 PM, NC, Onslow, Richlands (OAJ AWOS), , , 34.8167, -77.6167, PKGUST, 49, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0303 PM, NC, Onslow, Albert J Ellis Airport, , , 34.8279, -77.6136, PKGUST, 49, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0236 PM, NC, Onslow, Jacksonville (NCA ASOS), , , 34.7167, -77.45, PKGUST, 58, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0300 PM, NC, Pamlico, Oriental 1.7 NE, , , 35.0472, -76.6735, PKGUST, 45, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0110 PM, NC, Pitt, Greenville (PGV AWOS), , , 35.6167, -77.4, PKGUST, 45, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,0417 PM, NC, Washington, Pocosin Lakes RAWS, , , 35.7372, -76.5144, PKGUST, 46, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/05/2025,1215 PM, NC, Washington, Roper 9.8 ENE, , , 35.9525, -76.4665, PKGUST, 47, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
