![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Miami, FL
Issued by NWS Miami, FL
407 UMUS42 KMFL 080000 SGLMFL 72202 TTBB 58008 72202 00020 25056 11015 24457 22961 20037 33948 19043 44930 18659 55928 18659 66894 16258 77883 15040 88872 14857 99868 14450 11866 14658 22861 14260 33854 14265 44847 13866 55840 13670 66838 13669 77828 15079 88826 15075 99819 14469 11773 11275 22742 10077 33715 09281 44685 06474 55677 06080 66670 05474 77668 05468 88664 05071 99655 04267 11653 04267 22643 04277 33634 03673 44631 03681 55621 03073 66592 00169 77590 00569 88575 02171 99559 02778 11535 05772 22532 05974 33527 05785 44510 07572 55503 07978 66461 13578 77445 14388 88417 18186 99393 19986 11358 24982 22325 31574 33306 34576 44303 33980 55277 38579 66214 47979 77191 53973 88166 59970 99163 59972 11144 65769 22143 65769 33141 65371 44138 65771 55127 70567 66126 70167 77106 77562 88104 77962 99100 77763 21212 00020 08005 11993 10010 22922 05510 33809 06513 44798 07516 55761 10013 66747 09510 77597 00000 88564 31510 99543 31510 11531 28515 22515 27516 33474 29031 44419 29522 55402 28014 66383 31510 77365 30010 88356 30008 99334 32511 11317 30012 22291 32522 33277 33020 44258 31517 55247 28015 66226 26518 77209 29517 88179 29014 99172 27515 11143 29519 22129 33027 33121 31513 44118 28011 55117 26512 66112 25520 77100 31022 31313 44108 82303 41414 00900 51515 10164 00091 10194 06508 07511= PPBB 58008 72202 90/12 08005 09510 08511 90346 05509 03009 07012 90789 07516 09512 09509 91245 23505 29007 00000 91678 29504 31510 28515 919// 27516 92014 29022 29031 29522 92567 28014 31510 30010 928// 30008 93013 32011 30012 32522 93467 33020 31517 28015 939// 26518 94048 29517 27515 29519 95023 32526 31513 25520 955// 31022=