![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
507 UMUS44 KLIX 080000 SGLLIX 72233 TTBB 58008 72233 00018 24657 11980 21040 22914 16207 33864 12802 44863 12801 55856 12405 66840 11820 77836 11831 88829 12860 99807 13071 11799 13078 22785 12078 33781 12080 44773 11869 55769 11874 66760 11478 77758 11276 88753 10669 99731 09271 11723 09481 22722 09480 33710 08471 44688 06070 55672 04269 66648 02471 77642 02074 88640 01874 99635 02079 11623 01089 22571 02586 33542 05785 44533 05586 55491 07791 66435 14381 77411 18378 88389 20581 99361 25579 11335 29376 22331 29965 33321 31963 44316 32963 55312 33569 66309 33969 77300 35766 88298 36162 99292 37164 11276 40961 22274 41361 33271 41365 44264 42563 55257 43566 66253 42175 77249 42178 88236 45376 99187 55372 11183 54576 22162 61171 33154 62371 44152 62372 55143 64371 66122 72565 77105 76364 88101 74565 99100 74965 21212 00018 19001 11873 23018 22842 22518 33812 23512 44800 21510 55777 21506 66735 24513 77720 27514 88674 27518 99629 24513 11580 25012 22563 30014 33546 31513 44516 27010 55463 29526 66434 27532 77379 29043 88345 30043 99255 30047 11224 28050 22165 29057 33151 28058 44129 29551 55114 27046 66105 27546 77100 29543 31313 44108 82301 41414 22560 51515 10164 00091 10194 22009 23011= PPBB 58008 72233 90/12 19001 19005 22008 90345 22009 22514 22518 90678 23015 20509 21008 909// 24512 91023 27514 27016 24513 91467 25011 27512 31513 919// 27010 92023 28022 29526 27532 92579 28536 29043 30043 93069 29538 30047 28050 9457/ 29057 28058 95034 29052 27046 27546 955// 29543=