![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
331 UFUS44 KLIX 080000 ABVLIX 72233 TTCC 58001 72233 70860 77762 28525 50059 62576 27017 30377 56580 28511 20638 54581 29011 10087 49983 27538 07325 42388 27576 88874 78761 28540 77074 27577 411// 31313 44108 82301= TTDD 5800/ 72233 11962 76364 22942 75564 33874 78761 44699 77762 55673 76963 66663 74365 77647 73166 88605 73966 99587 71768 11551 70570 22550 70570 33534 65774 44509 62376 55471 60778 66443 62576 77375 61577 88315 56380 99287 55780 11240 52382 22192 55180 33167 52382 44161 53581 55154 53182 66151 50983 77129 49184 88110 52982 99105 49784 11104 49384 22098 50583 33094 47386 44090 47185 55084 44187 66083 41789 77075 43387 88073 41789 99069 42788 21212 11958 30538 22889 28537 33829 30535 44778 29526 55732 31027 66702 28525 77662 32531 88651 32024 99625 27521 11588 29517 22562 27517 33514 28520 44493 27019 55461 33020 66445 34513 77424 32510 88412 30011 99393 32010 11345 24505 22320 25510 33310 25514 44301 28511 55294 27512 66285 30010 77275 28010 88259 29512 99247 26012 11229 29518 22224 31018 33217 31016 44212 27011 55200 29011 66196 27510 77189 25017 88170 27033 99152 29530 11147 27523 22139 25026 33119 27540 44108 26542 55105 27547 66098 27038 77093 25549 88081 28074 99074 27577 11069 28074 31313 44108 82301= PPDD 58008 72233 95679 30538 28537 30535 96012 29526 31027 28525 96345 32531 27521 29517 96689 27517 28520 27019 97012 31521 34513 32510 97346 30011 32010 24505 9789/ 25510 25514 98012 28512 28010 29512 98356 26012 29518 31016 98789 27011 29011 25017 99014 25521 27033 29530 99569 27523 25026 27540 86012 27543 27547 27038 86346 25549 28074 27577 867// 28074=