![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Honolulu, HI
Issued by NWS Honolulu, HI
940 UFHW40 PHLI 080000 ABVLIH 91165 TTCC 58001 91165 70856 71768 32015 50061 64575 00506 30376 58381 07514 20636 52584 07513 10089 45588 36020 07334 38792 17507 88993 72368 30060 77999 31313 44108 82302= TTDD 5800/ 91165 11993 72368 22922 70769 33829 73967 44818 72768 55753 74966 66707 73367 77656 66971 88546 63176 99486 65375 11440 63777 22419 65576 33399 62778 44353 60379 55346 60779 66338 59380 77326 59580 88313 57581 99302 58580 11273 56982 22244 52185 33220 51585 44197 52983 55167 49985 66155 51784 77149 50186 88118 51184 99114 49586 11111 46189 22103 44589 33100 45588 44097 44389 55094 39991 66086 35193 77078 40191 88072 38792 99061 38992 11058 41391 21212 11857 31020 22791 28519 33748 30018 44733 28511 55709 31520 66699 32014 77682 29514 88647 25505 99625 28510 11619 30010 22546 30010 33536 29513 44410 00000 55360 06010 66347 09016 77335 04515 88321 08513 99309 06515 11298 07513 22288 06015 33269 08020 44244 11514 55237 09016 66199 07513 77180 09510 88152 00000 99147 31510 11133 26510 22127 27015 33109 34023 44104 34027 55099 36017 66096 34518 77092 01512 88091 08004 99083 15010 11080 16516 22076 15004 33068 19012 44066 16011 55058 20514 31313 44108 82302= PPDD 58008 91165 9580/ 31020 28519 96123 30018 31520 25505 9647/ 28510 29513 97356 00000 06010 09016 97789 04515 08513 06515 98024 06015 08020 09016 988// 07513 99045 09510 00000 31510 9978/ 26510 27015 10123 34023 34027 36017 10457 34518 01512 15010 1089/ 16516 15004 11236 19012 16011 20514=