Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS North Platte, NE

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NOUS43 KLBF 191800

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service North Platte NE
100 PM CDT Wed Mar 19 2025 /1200 PM MDT Wed Mar 19 2025/


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Provider
Imperial Airport             62 MPH    1016 PM 03/18   ASOS
Broken Bow Airport           61 MPH    0658 AM 03/19   ASOS
North Platte 4N              55 MPH    1125 PM 03/18   CWOP
North Platte Airport         55 MPH    1058 AM 03/19   ASOS
North Platte 7ESE            54 MPH    1210 PM 03/19   MESOWEST
Halsey 2W                    51 MPH    0623 AM 03/19   RAWS
Grant Airport                51 MPH    1035 PM 03/18   AWOS
Sarben 5W                    50 MPH    1133 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Ogallala Airport             49 MPH    1015 PM 03/18   AWOS
Valentine Airport            49 MPH    1120 AM 03/19   ASOS
Dickens 1NE                  48 MPH    1225 PM 03/19   NE-MESO
Gordon On Hwy 20 @ Mp 112    48 MPH    0434 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Brewster                     48 MPH    0634 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Crescent Lake                48 MPH    0958 PM 03/18   RAWS
North Platte 1SE             47 MPH    1105 PM 03/18   CWOP
Ainsworth Airport            47 MPH    0155 AM 03/19   AWOS
O`Neill Airport              47 MPH    1215 PM 03/19   AWOS
Hayes Center 3N              47 MPH    1110 PM 03/18   NE-MESO
Brule 1E                     47 MPH    0956 PM 03/18   MESOWEST
Uscrn Site At Gudmundsen San 47 MPH    0500 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Thedford Airport             46 MPH    1155 AM 03/19   AWOS
Sutherland 3E                46 MPH    1203 PM 03/19   MESOWEST
Long Pine 20S                45 MPH    1115 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Valentine 27S                45 MPH    1214 PM 03/19   RAWS
Arthur 8S                    44 MPH    0425 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Kingsley Dam                 44 MPH    1035 PM 03/18   NE-MESO
Roscoe 1W                    44 MPH    0108 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Brule                        43 MPH    1015 PM 03/18   DAVIS
North Platte                 43 MPH    1131 AM 03/19   CWOP
Valentine 1N                 42 MPH    1100 AM 03/19   CWOP
Keystone                     42 MPH    1100 PM 03/18   CWOP
Big Springs 6NE              41 MPH    0810 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Inman                        40 MPH    0530 AM 03/19   CWOP
Ainsworth 4NW                40 MPH    0225 AM 03/19   DAVIS
Big Springs 8NE              40 MPH    1110 PM 03/18   NE-MESO
Oshkosh 6N                   40 MPH    0730 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Us-83 66 Mi N Of Thedford Ch 40 MPH    0549 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Chappell 6NW                 40 MPH    0749 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Oshkosh 6SE                  40 MPH    0935 PM 03/18   MESOWEST
Big Springs 2W               40 MPH    1032 PM 03/18   MESOWEST
Custer                       39 MPH    1230 PM 03/19   CWOP
Brewster 9SSE                39 MPH    1015 AM 03/19   CWOP
North Platte 3S              39 MPH    1225 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Merriman                     39 MPH    0509 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
North Platte (midtown)       38 MPH    1105 PM 03/18   CWOP
Gordon Airport               38 MPH    0455 AM 03/19   AWOS
Mckelvie                     38 MPH    0949 AM 03/19   RAWS
Anselmo                      37 MPH    0205 AM 03/19   DAVIS
Whitman 5NE                  37 MPH    0500 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Ogallala                     37 MPH    1146 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Oshkosh 10NW                 37 MPH    0659 AM 03/19   MESOWEST
Wallace                      36 MPH    1045 PM 03/18   DAVIS
Chambers                     36 MPH    0510 AM 03/19   CWOP
Merna 2SW                    36 MPH    1155 AM 03/19   NE-MESO
Big Springs 2ENE             36 MPH    1113 PM 03/18   MESOWEST

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
