Hydrometeorological Discussion
Issued by NWS Missouri Basin, Pleasant Hill

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AGUS73 KKRF 091905

Daily Hydrologic Activity Report
NWS Missouri Basin River Forecast Center Pleasant Hill MO
Sun Mar  9 19:05:02 UTC 2025

***                                                               ***
***                 RVF Forecasts Issued Today                    ***
***                                                               ***

RVF           FORECAST GROUP                              TIME ISSUED

KSR           KANSAS                                      14:01 Z
MOM           MISSOURI MAINSTEM                           14:11 Z
SPL           SOUTH PLATTE                                13:29 Z

***                                                               ***
***         Forecasts issued today for rivers at or above         ***
***                  Flood Issuance Stage (FIS)                   ***
***                                                               ***
***      MaxFcst is not necessarily a crest but the highest       ***
***              stage in the 5-day forecast period               ***
***                                                               ***

There were no forecasts above FIS issued today.

FIS = Flood Issuance Stage
FS = Flood Stage
RVF = River Forecast
LID = Location Identification
MaxFcst = Maximum Crest Forecast

***                                                               ***
***         24-hour precipitation data ending at 12Z 03/09/25     ***
***         Reports are sorted by state then by magnitude         ***
***                                                               ***

                  Colorado Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
WCUC2       WILLOW CREEK UPPER                  0.13
ACHC2       DECKERS CO 8SW                      0.09
RFRC2       RED FEATHER CO 1ESE                 0.09
GRUC2       GROUSE MTN PCPN STN                 0.08

                  Iowa Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
SXCI4       SIOUX CITY IA                       0.02
CNC         CHARITON AP AWOS                    0.01

                  Kansas Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Minnesota Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Missouri Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Montana Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
SKAM8       SKALKAHO SUMMIT MT                  0.40
TIBM8       TIZER BASIN                         0.20
SLMM8       JACKSON SCAN MT                     0.10
ONPM8       ONION PARK SNOTEL                   0.10
JLMM8       DELL SCAN MT                        0.10
ULWM8       ULM MT 2S                           0.02

                  Nebraska Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  North Dakota Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  South Dakota Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Wyoming Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
BRJW4       BURGESS JUNCTION SNOTEL             0.20
BBSW4       BLIND BULL SUMMIT SNOTEL            0.10
INCW4       INDIAN CREEK SNOTEL                 0.10
RCHW4       LANDER WY 11SSE                     0.01

            Canada-Alberta Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
LESQ1       KOVACH AB 12 SE                     0.19

            Canada-Saskatchewan Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this province ***

