Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Jackson, KY

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NOUS43 KJKL 252255

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Jackson KY
655 PM Edt Tue Mar 25 2025

..Climate Normals...Means and Extremes for April...

...Jackson Kentucky (JKL)...

Temperature Data...

Average Maximum........... 69.2
Average Minimum........... 47.3
Average Monthly........... 58.2
Highest...................  92 on the 27th in 1986
Lowest....................  20 on the  7th in 1982
Low Maximum..............   31 on the  4th in 1987
High Minimum..............  70 on the 29th in 2017
Normal days with high 90 or above.....  0.0
Normal days with high 32 or below.....  0.0
Normal days with  low 32 or below.....  2.1
Normal days with  low  0 or below.....  0.0

Degree Days (Base 65)..... Heating             Cooling

Monthly Average...........  244                    41
Greatest Monthly..........  402 in 1997            95 in 2001
Least Monthly.............  121 in 2017             0 in several years

Precipitation Data...

Monthly Average...........  4.54 inches
Wettest................... 10.29 inches in 2015
Driest....................  0.78 inches in 1985
Greatest 24 Hour..........  4.45 inches on the 2nd-3rd in 2015
Average Days of Thunder...   3.9
Average Days of Dense Fog.   2.5
Average Snowfall..........   0.4 inches
Greatest Snowfall.........  17.8 inches in 1987
Greatest 24 Hour Snowfall.   8.5 inches on the 3rd-4th in 1987
Greatest Snow Depth.......    11 inches in 1987

...London Kentucky (LOZ)...

Temperature Data...

Average Maximum........... 69.3
Average Minimum........... 44.9
Average Monthly........... 57.1
Highest...................  90 on the 27th in 1986/10th in 1995
Lowest....................  19 on the  8th in 2007
Low Maximum...............  31 on the  4th in 1987
High Minimum..............  71 on the 29th in 1996
Normal days with high 90 or above.....  0.0
Normal days with high 32 or below.....  0.0
Normal days with  low 32 or below.....  3.4
Normal days with  low  0 or below.....  0.0

Degree Days (Base 65)..... Heating             Cooling

Monthly Average...........  261                    24
Greatest Monthly..........  494 in 1961            64 in 2001
Least Monthly.............  124 in 2017             1 in 1983 & 1998 & 2000

Precipitation Data...

Monthly Average...........  4.65 inches
Wettest................... 10.23 inches in 2011
Driest....................  0.58 inches in 1976
Greatest Daily Rain.......  2.75 inches on the  4th in 1977
Average Snowfall..........   1.0 inches
Greatest Snowfall.........   9.0 inches in 1987
Greatest Daily Snowfall...   6.0 inches on the  5th in 1987

***Snowfall records for London were kept between 1954 and 1996***

The latest climate outlook for April indicates that eastern Kentucky
will be in a weather pattern more conducive to near normal
temperatures and precipitation.

For more information on climate outlooks, try this internet address:

Climate weather records at the Julian Carroll Airport near Jackson
Kentucky (JKL) date back to January 1st 1981. Climate weather
records at the London-Corbin Magee Field Airport (LOZ) date back to
November 11th 1954.

