![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Central Illinois
Issued by NWS Central Illinois
569 UMUS43 KILX 080000 SGLILX 74560 TTBB 58008 74560 00002 01458 11985 00161 22941 03559 33898 01282 44867 00081 55859 00483 66844 00164 77836 00565 88828 00367 99820 00567 11734 05523 22726 04517 33713 03356 44707 03557 55680 04940 66667 04560 77661 04761 88649 05561 99637 06162 11595 09760 22585 10363 33542 13956 44500 17768 55496 17766 66491 17563 77486 17962 88481 18364 99448 21756 11431 23557 22410 26150 33398 27756 44381 30543 55351 33764 66341 35561 77334 36961 88317 39759 99291 45160 11251 53150 22238 55950 33226 58550 44222 59550 55213 58357 66208 58757 77204 58557 88197 58958 99189 57159 11184 57760 22172 55962 33152 58164 44150 58164 55142 56766 66128 59167 77106 62370 88105 62570 99100 62571 21212 00002 08505 11989 09512 22968 11010 33951 11510 44929 13509 55915 12508 66904 13008 77882 11509 88868 12008 99845 14008 11833 14010 22788 21016 33715 27533 44706 27032 55677 25545 66658 26036 77648 26033 88639 26034 99611 27045 11603 27045 22588 28054 33564 27066 44556 27565 55547 27069 66540 27070 77532 27068 88524 27068 99501 27564 11480 28569 22462 28076 33456 28076 44443 28580 55437 28578 66430 28581 77400 28588 88393 28591 99387 28590 11382 28589 22370 28595 33344 28603 44314 28613 55299 28611 66284 28610 77258 29120 88228 29129 99221 29129 11214 29130 22211 29132 33207 29129 44197 29125 55195 29124 66189 29129 77183 28627 88180 28630 99175 29132 11170 29128 22167 28627 33164 29130 44162 29127 55155 29117 66151 29121 77148 29120 88146 29112 99141 28607 11137 28609 22129 28101 33127 28097 44125 28599 55123 28597 66120 28087 77118 28096 88113 27092 99110 27584 11103 29586 22102 30081 33100 29572 31313 45408 82301 41414 4093/ 51515 10164 00091 10194 12509 25521= PPBB 58008 74560 90/12 08505 09512 11511 90345 12508 11009 14008 90678 17009 21016 25523 909// 27528 91012 27032 25545 26034 91456 27045 28054 27565 91789 27068 27068 27564 92012 28572 28076 28581 92456 28588 28591 28595 928// 28603 93024 28613 28610 29120 93578 29123 29129 29130 939// 29132 94012 29124 28627 29132 94345 28627 29127 29117 94678 29112 28607 28609 949// 28599 95012 28593 28096 27584 9534/ 29586 30081 = NNNN