Recreational Report
Issued by NWS Central Illinois
Issued by NWS Central Illinois
412 SXUS43 KILX 030809 RECILX Morning Hot Air Balloon Forecast National Weather Service Lincoln IL 209 AM CST Tue Dec 3 2024 ...HERE IS THE MORNING HOT AIR BALLOON FORECAST FOR THE LINCOLN IL AREA... .THIS MORNING... Sunrise: 703 AM. Surface Wind Forecast: 7 AM...270/03 mph. 9 AM...270/05 mph. Boundary Layer Wind: 7 AM...290/07 mph. 9 AM...270/08 mph. NWS Doppler Winds (at 0155 AM): 1000ft...MISSING. 2000ft...MISSING. 3000ft...060/06 mph. RAP Winds (at 8 AM): 500ft...300/14 mph. 1000ft...300/12 mph. 2000ft...300/09 mph. 3000ft...290/09 mph. Surface Lifted Index: 7 AM...+20. 9 AM...+20. Density Altitude: 7 AM...-3043 FT. 9 AM...-2705 FT. Additional Weather Info: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities. .OUTLOOK FOR THIS AFTERNOON... Sunset: 432 PM. Weather: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities. Surface Wind: 2 PM...220/09 mph. 4 PM...200/09 mph. Boundary Wind: 2 PM...230/13 mph. 4 PM...190/13 mph. ...HERE IS THE MORNING HOT AIR BALLOON FORECAST FOR THE DANVILLE IL AREA... .THIS MORNING... Sunrise: 656 AM. Surface Wind Forecast: 7 AM...280/03 mph. 9 AM...270/05 mph. Boundary Layer Wind: 7 AM...290/09 mph. 9 AM...270/09 mph. NWS Doppler Winds (at 0155 AM): 1000ft...MISSING. 2000ft...MISSING. 3000ft...060/06 mph. RAP Winds (at 8 AM): 500ft...290/15 mph. 1000ft...300/15 mph. 2000ft...300/13 mph. 3000ft...300/08 mph. Surface Lifted Index: 7 AM...+20. 9 AM...+20. Density Altitude: 7 AM...-2914 FT. 9 AM...-2501 FT. Additional Weather Info: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities. .OUTLOOK FOR THIS AFTERNOON... Sunset: 425 PM. Weather: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities. Surface Wind: 2 PM...240/08 mph. 4 PM...220/08 mph. Boundary Wind: 2 PM...250/14 mph. 4 PM...220/12 mph. This forecast is not routinely updated or amended outside of scheduled issuances. $$ Bumgardner