Record Report
Issued by NWS Hastings, NE
Issued by NWS Hastings, NE
344 SXUS73 KGID 201507 RERHSI NEZ075-202315- Record Event Report National Weather Service Hastings NE 907 AM CST Thu Feb 20 2025 ...New Record Cold Temperature For February 20th at Hastings Nebraska... This morning, it plunged to -20 degrees at Hastings Municipal Airport. This shattered the previous Feb. 20th record of -12 degrees set in 1918. Not only was this the coldest temperature recorded at Hastings in four years (since -30 on Feb. 16, 2021), but it also tied for the 17th-coldest temperature on record. Temperature records at Hastings date back to 1907. && These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$ Pfannkuch