![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Tiyan, Guam
Issued by NWS Tiyan, Guam
217 UMGM40 PGUM 080000 SGLGUM 91212 TTBB 58008 91212 00003 27850 11002 27058 22993 26257 33919 19621 44914 19435 55902 18425 66894 18236 77890 18449 88886 18657 99885 18858 11884 19865 22881 21072 33874 22490 44861 22288 55804 18085 66800 17880 77798 17670 88792 16863 99785 16262 11783 16265 22774 16273 33753 15084 44744 15078 55726 13264 66722 13066 77713 13484 88712 13480 99709 12865 11680 09662 22671 09067 33658 08068 44655 07667 55642 07073 66633 07486 77591 04286 88572 03889 99568 03676 11553 02473 22503 04766 33499 05168 44494 04580 55486 05389 66478 06388 77472 05792 88457 06194 99343 21787 11334 23573 22331 23982 33330 24171 44327 24770 55320 25972 66318 26179 77311 27166 88307 27371 99291 30359 11289 30556 22288 30759 33285 31162 44282 31766 55266 35567 66262 36366 77256 37170 88247 39566 99230 42975 11228 43375 22195 52366 33192 52970 44160 63161 55151 66357 66149 67158 77146 68159 88144 68959 99140 70336 11136 71925 22132 73329 33129 73742 44127 74156 55123 74958 66116 77950 77111 79548 88100 83350 21212 00003 10013 11999 09010 22948 10515 33878 07520 44866 06517 55828 07016 66808 05517 77789 07015 88773 06513 99760 08513 11731 11505 22702 12010 33676 12012 44633 07021 55601 08516 66564 14010 77532 07001 88492 11010 99470 13015 11378 11515 22335 12526 33307 14014 44285 12006 55275 13010 66265 14015 77252 12021 88238 13527 99200 14021 11163 11518 22114 13021 33100 11522 31313 44108 82302 41414 21500 51515 10164 00091 10194 09016 07512= PPBB 58008 91212 90/23 10013 10515 09017 90456 07520 06517 05517 90789 07018 08513 11505 91013 12010 12012 07021 91456 08018 08516 14010 918// 07001 92017 11010 13015 11515 93024 12526 14014 12006 93578 14015 12021 13527 9426/ 14021 11518 9536/ 13021 11522=