![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Raleigh/Durham, NC
Issued by NWS Raleigh/Durham, NC
849 UMUS42 KRAH 080000 SGLGSO 72317 TTBB 58008 72317 00987 16871 11936 15273 22751 00857 33744 00856 44736 01056 55692 01927 66662 04539 77651 05538 88640 04768 99624 05180 11600 06186 22567 08580 33563 08781 44552 08787 55543 09377 66518 10780 77454 19765 88420 24368 99394 28357 11369 31761 22359 33560 33350 34566 44340 36163 55325 38565 66306 42162 77298 43562 88268 49758 99245 52760 11237 53560 22233 53361 33228 53561 44222 52962 55213 53963 66203 52964 77191 54565 88185 53966 99139 61171 11136 61171 22134 61171 33121 65372 44108 69972 55107 70173 66101 67575 77100 67375 21212 00987 32003 11968 31505 22949 27506 33933 27507 44922 26008 55916 26009 66884 26518 77853 25522 88793 27529 99779 28031 11768 28032 22735 29547 33696 28554 44678 28552 55645 28551 66628 29045 77621 29049 88614 28548 99609 28551 11599 28052 22567 29059 33552 29065 44545 29063 55537 29067 66531 29063 77501 28569 88480 28066 99467 28566 11454 28569 22406 29578 33400 29577 44394 29578 55389 29577 66378 29079 77362 29584 88338 29078 99324 29076 11320 29078 22311 29077 33294 28584 44285 28585 55280 28584 66267 29590 77247 28596 88237 28601 99230 28606 11227 28603 22221 28606 33211 29105 44203 28616 55194 28608 66191 28608 77188 28613 88174 28625 99164 28619 11156 28616 22154 28619 33147 28614 44140 28110 55138 28111 66131 28602 77125 28593 88120 27596 99115 28099 11107 28102 22100 29085 31313 45408 82307 41414 21401 51515 10164 00091 10194 26015 28540= PPBB 58008 72317 90/12 32003 31003 26506 90345 26009 26518 25522 90678 26524 27029 28532 909// 29546 91012 28554 28552 28552 91345 29049 28551 28055 91678 29061 29067 29063 919// 28569 92014 28065 28569 29578 92567 29579 29079 29584 929// 29076 93023 29078 28585 28584 93456 29091 29094 28601 93789 28603 28606 29105 94013 28616 28613 28625 94456 28619 28616 28619 94789 28614 28111 28602 95012 28592 27596 28099 953// 28102= NNNN