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Issued by NWS Green Bay, WI

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NOUS43 KGRB 281458

Daily Temperature and Precipitation Summary
National Weather Service Green Bay WI
958 AM CDT Fri Mar 28 2025

High temperatures are for the previous 24 hours ending at midnight last
night. Low temperatures are for the previous 12 hours ending at 6 AM.
Precipitation and new snow are for the previous 24 hours ending at 6 AM.

                           Max   Min           Snow   Snow
ID        Location         Temp  Temp   Pcpn   Fall   Depth
GRB : Green Bay ASOS     :  53 /  36 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
AUW : Wausau ASOS        :  53 /  34 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   1
RHI : Rhinelander ASOS   :  55 /  32 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   M
OSH : Oshkosh ASOS       :  54 /  36 /  0.03 /    M /   M
ISW : Wis. Rapids ASOS   :  60 /  35 /  0.00 /    M /   M
MFI : Marshfield ASOS    :   M /  35 /  0.04 /    M /   M
EGV : Eagle River AWOS   :  51 /  31 /    M  /      /
ARV : Arbor Vitae AWOS   :  53 /  32 /    M  /      /
LNL : Land O Lakes AWOS  :  51 /  31 /    M  /      /
D25 : Manitowish Waters  :  50 /  32 /    M  /      /
TKV : Tomahawk AWOS      :  57 /  34 /    M  /      /
RRL : Merrill AWOS       :  55 /  32 /    M  /      /
AIG : Antigo AWOS        :  51 /  30 /    M  /      /
CWA : Mosinee AWOS       :  52 /  32 /    M  /      /
STE : Stevens Point AWOS :  55 /  35 /    M  /      /
CLI : Clintonville AWOS  :  56 /  35 /    M  /      /
EZS : Shawano AWOS       :  57 /  36 /    M  /      /
PCZ : Waupaca AWOS       :  57 /  37 /    M  /      /
Y50 : Wautoma AWSS       :  60 /  37 /    M  /      /
OCQ : Oconto AWOS        :  58 /  34 /    M  /      /
ATW : Appleton AWOS      :  54 /  37 /    M  /      /
SUE : Sturgeon Bay AWOS  :   M /   M /    M  /      /
3D2 : Ephraim AWOS       :  54 /  32 /    M  /      /
MTW : Manitowc AWOS      :  53 /  38 /    M  /      /
2P2 : Washington Island  :  49 /  31 /    M  /      /


Data are for the 24 hours ending around 7 am. In some weather
situations...reported low temperatures may reflect conditions
from the previous day.

    ...North Central Wisconsin...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
MQRW3: Minocqua              : 0630  /  51 /  21 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
RHIW3: Rhinelander           : 0730  /  54 /  21 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
RRLW3: Merrill               : 0800  /  54 /  22 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
RLKW3: Rest Lake             : 0700  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
AGNW3: Argonne 2NW           : 0800  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  1
WLKW3: White Lake 1SE        : 0800  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  3

    ...Northeast Wisconsin...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
MRIW3: Marinette             : 0730  /  58 /  31 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
PSHW3: Peshtigo WWTP         : 0730  /  59 /  26 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
BREW3: Suring WWTP           : 0800  /  56 /  26 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2
WSKW3: Wausaukee DNR         : 0746  /   M /  28 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0

    ...Central Wisconsin...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
RSTW3: Rosholt               : 0730  /  53 /  33 /    T /  0.0 /  2
MFDW3: Marshfield Exp Farm   : 0730  /  54 /  33 / 0.03 /  0.0 /  T
BOWW3: Stockbridge-Munsee    : 0730  /  52 /  21 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2
SHHW3: Shawano COOP          : 0800  /  56 /  28 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
STPW3: Stevens Point         : 0712  /  56 /  30 / 0.01 /  0.0 /  0
WIRW3: Wisconsin Rapids      : 0700  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0

    ...East Central Wisconsin including the Lakeshore...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
SHIW3: Shiocton              : 0730  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
APPW3: Appleton COOP         : 0500  /  54 /  32 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
OKHW3: Oshkosh WWTP          : 0700  /  54 /  28 / 0.04 /  0.0 /  0
BGGW3: Green Bay Bot. Garden : 0700  /  58 /  27 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
DENW3: Denmark WWTP          : 0745  /  54 /  34 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
BRLW3: Brillion WWTP         : 0630  /  52 /  33 / 0.00 /    M /  M
CHIW3: Chilton WWTP          : 0708  /  53 /  34 / 0.00 /    M /  M
EPMW3: Ephraim 1NE WWTP      : 0730  /  51 /  28 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  1
FORW3: Forestville 4NE       : 0700  /  56 /  30 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
SBEW3: Sturgeon Bay EXP Farm : 0730  /  56 /  33 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
KKKW3: Kewaunee WWTP COOP    : 0600  /  57 /  30 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/.
Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified
climate data can be accessed at


    ...North Central Wisconsin...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
AVTW3: Arbor Vitae Johnson La: 0600  /  53 /  27 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
EVRW3: Eagle River-4E        : 0719  /  55 /  22 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
LNOW3: Land O lakes-12W      : 0700  /  50 /  25 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  T
MLLW3: Merrill 8W            : 0600  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0

    ...Northeast Wisconsin...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
ABGW3: Amberg 9E             : 0718  /  58 /  26 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
ASTW3: Athelstane 2E         : 0600  /  56 /  29 /    T /  0.0 /  1
CVZW3: Crivitz WPS           : 0651  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0

    ...Central Wisconsin...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
PLOW3: Plover south          : 0700  /  54 /  32 / 0.10 /  0.0 /  3
AMHW3: Amherst 3SE           : 0700  /     /     / 0.13 /  0.0 /  1
BFSW3: Big Falls 5NW         : 0700  /     /     /    T /  0.0 /  1
NEPW3: Port Edwards-Nepco LK : 0700  /     /     / 0.00 /    M /  M
NLDW3: New London WWTP       : 0700  /     /     / 0.05 /    M /  M
PITW3: Pittsville            : 0700  /     /     / 0.04 /  0.0 /  0
WUNW3: Wausau Northeast      : 0550  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2

    ...East Central Wisconsin including the lakeshore...
                               Obs     Max   Min          Snow  Snow
ID       Location              Time    Temp  Temp  Pcpn   Fall  Depth
APLW3: Fox River in Appleton : 0800  /  55 /  37 /    T /  0.0 /  0
FISW3: Fish Creek 1E WWTP    : 0330  /  52 /  32 / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
PELW3: Pella 3SE             : 0530  /     /     / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2
OMWW3: Omro 2SW              : 0700  /     /     / 0.03 /  0.0 /  0


  Data are for the 24 hours ending around 7 am. These data values
  are not official and are supplemental to local cooperative
  and official observations. MSG stands for missing.

                                             Obs            Snow  Snow
ID       County     Location                 Time    Pcpn   Fall  Depth
WIBN22: Brown     Wrightstown 0.4 ENE      : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIBN31: Brown     Green Bay 4.1 WSW        : 1000  /    T /    M /  M
WIBN39: Brown     De Pere 2.0 ESE          : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIBN41: Brown     Green Bay 3.3 E          : 0800  /    T /    M /  M
WIBN44: Brown     Green Bay 6.5 NW         : 0900  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIBN48: Brown     Howard 1.7 SSW           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
WIDR06: Door      Sister Bay 1.3 NNE       : 0600  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIDR15: Door      Ellison Bay 0.0 SE       : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIDR16: Door      Egg Harbor 3.7 SSE       : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIDR24: Door      Egg Harbor 2.4 ENE       : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2
WIDR27: Door      Ellison Bay 2.1 NNE      : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIFL04: Florence  Florence 5.6 ESE         : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2
WIKW08: Kewaunee  Luxemburg 5.9 S          : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIKW09: Kewaunee  Luxemburg 0.9 S          : 0543  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WILN02: Lincoln   Merrill 7.0 W            : 0600  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
WILN07: Lincoln   Tomahawk 1.2 SSW         : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC02: Manitowoc Two Rivers 4.5 WNW       : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC04: Manitowoc Two Rivers 1.4 N         : 0511  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC05: Manitowoc Elkhart Lake 6.8 NE      : 0706  / 0.01 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC15: Manitowoc Valders 3.3 WSW          : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
WIMC16: Manitowoc Mishicot 0.1 NNW         : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC22: Manitowoc Two Rivers 1.2 N         : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC24: Manitowoc Two Rivers 1.4 N         : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMC25: Manitowoc Manitowoc 5.1 SW         : 0800  / 0.07 /    M /  M
WIMT13: Marathon  Mosinee 6.3 S            : 0600  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMT16: Marathon  Wausau 5.4 SSW           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMT19: Marathon  Evergreen 1.5 WSW        : 0700  /    T /    M /  M
WIMT29: Marathon  Rothschild 0.5 ENE       : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIMT33: Marathon  Wausau 2.3 ESE           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIOC08: Oconto    Mountain 0.9 E           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  2
WIOC21: Oconto    Townsend 5.0 WSW         : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIOG15: Outagamie Appleton 0.9 W           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIOG16: Outagamie Grand Chute 2.1 NE       : 0600  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIOG36: Outagamie Appleton 3.0 ESE         : 0655  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
WIOG40: Outagamie Appleton 2.3 NW          : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WION06: Oneida    Rhinelander 5.2 N        : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  0
WION16: Oneida    Rhinelander 10.4 W       : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIPT08: Portage   Rudolph 2.1 NNE          : 0500  /    T /  0.0 /  T
WIPT19: Portage   Amherst 2.6 SSE          : 0700  / 0.13 /  0.0 /  1
WIPT23: Portage   Plover 1.4 S             : 0700  / 0.10 /  0.0 /  3
WIPT24: Portage   Wisconsin Rapids 6.6 ESE : 0700  / 0.06 /    M /  M
WIPT25: Portage   Wisconsin Rapids 9.8 SE  : 0700  /    T /    M /  M
WISW03: Shawano   Tigerton 2.4 SE          : 0800  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WISW05: Shawano   Pulaski 3.7 W            : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  T
WISW06: Shawano   Bonduel 3.3 NW           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WISW13: Shawano   Birnamwood 5.9 ENE       : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WISW15: Shawano   Shawano 1.6 NW           : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIVL09: Vilas     Land O` Lakes 11.7 W     : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  T
WIVL14: Vilas     Boulder Junction 1.4 NE  : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  T
WIVL23: Vilas     Conover 4.8 WNW          : 0730  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIVL24: Vilas     Woodruff 2.5 NE          : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIWD02: Wood      Wisconsin Rapids 4.6 SSE : 0730  / 0.05 /  0.0 /  T
WIWD07: Wood      Nekoosa 3.7 SSW          : 0700  / 0.05 /  0.0 /  0
WIWD21: Wood      Marshfield 5.6 SSW       : 0700  / 0.01 /    M /  M
WIWD28: Wood      Marshfield 6.5 S         : 0800  / 0.03 /    M /  M
WIWD31: Wood      Marshfield 1.8 NE        : 0700  / 0.18 /    M /  M
WIWH07: Waushara  Wild Rose 0.5 E          : 0500  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  T
WIWH08: Waushara  Almond 4.7 SE            : 0700  / 0.01 /    M /  M
WIWN07: Winnebago Omro 2.3 WSW             : 0700  / 0.03 /  0.0 /  0
WIWN09: Winnebago Neenah 1.1 ENE           : 0700  /    T /  0.0 /  0
WIWN12: Winnebago Oshkosh 1.5 SSE          : 0700  / 0.03 /    M /  M
WIWN28: Winnebago Oshkosh 0.8 NW           : 0830  / 0.15 /    M /  M
WIWN31: Winnebago Menasha 0.3 W            : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIWN34: Winnebago Oshkosh 3.6 N            : 0700  /    T /    M /  M
WIWP03: Waupaca   Ogdensburg 2.5 E         : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
WIWP15: Waupaca   Waupaca 7.6 SW           : 0700  / 0.03 /    M /  M
WIWP16: Waupaca   Clintonville 0.7 WNW     : 0700  / 0.00 /  0.0 /  M
