Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Grand Junction, CO

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NOUS45 KGJT 072346

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Grand Junction CO
446 PM MST Fri Mar 7 2025

An area of low pressure and a cold front moved across eastern Utah and
western Colorado bringing strong winds and snowfall to much of the region
Thursday through Friday. The mountains received the most snow. All reports
are preliminary.

Eastern Uintas.......19 to 22 inches.
La Sa mtns...........5 to 15 inches with 22 inches at the highest elevations.
Northern mountains...4 to 12 inches with 17 inches reported at Lost Dog SNOTEL.
Central mountains....4 to 12 inches with 19 inches reported at Schofield Pass.
Southern mountains...6 to 15 inches with 19 inches reported at the Beartown SNOTEL.


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Lat/Lon/Elev (ft.)
Cedaredge 10.5 NNW           18.0 in   0800 AM 03/07   39.04N/108.00W/10399
Coal Bank Pass               15.0 in   1139 AM 03/07   37.70N/107.78W/10611
Red Mountain Pass            15.0 in   1137 AM 03/07   37.90N/107.71W/11099
Molas Pass                   12.0 in   1138 AM 03/07   37.74N/107.70W/10913
Crested Butte 6.2N           10.0 in   0700 AM 03/07   38.96N/106.99W/9606
4.2 N Mount Crested Butte    10.0 in   0700 AM 03/07   38.97N/106.98W/9469
4 E Camp Bird                9.5 in    1136 AM 03/07   37.97N/107.66W/9438
Rockwood 6.9NNW              8.1 in    0700 AM 03/07   37.60N/107.83W/8906
Steamboat Springs 5.3 WNW    7.8 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.51N/106.91W/6694
Mount Crested Butte          7.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   38.89N/106.97W/9260
2 SSW Telluride              6.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   37.91N/107.83W/11229
Cedaredge 10.5 NNW           6.0 in    0800 AM 03/06   39.04N/108.00W/10399
Crested Butte 6.2N           5.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   38.96N/106.99W/9606
4.2 N Mount Crested Butte    5.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   38.97N/106.98W/9469
Steamboat Springs 1.1E       5.3 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.48N/106.81W/7164
Steamboat Springs 5.3 WNW    5.0 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.51N/106.91W/6694
Crested Butte 6.2N           4.5 in    0700 AM 03/06   38.96N/106.99W/9606
4.2 N Mount Crested Butte    4.5 in    0700 AM 03/06   38.97N/106.98W/9469
4 NNW Mount Crested Butte    4.5 in    0717 AM 03/06   38.96N/106.99W/9550
Rockwood 6.9NNW              4.3 in    0700 AM 03/07   37.60N/107.83W/8906
Hayden 1.6 SW                4.1 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.47N/107.29W/6534
Chromo 3.9 E                 3.5 in    0630 AM 03/07   37.04N/106.76W/7909
5 E Chromo                   3.5 in    0800 AM 03/07   37.05N/106.73W
7 NE Sawpit                  3.3 in    1000 PM 03/06   38.06N/107.91W/9449
Steamboat Springs 1.1E       3.2 in    0700 AM 03/06   40.48N/106.81W/7164
Craig 4SW                    3.2 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.45N/107.61W/6440
Hayden 1.6 SW                3.1 in    0700 AM 03/06   40.47N/107.29W/6534
Silverton                    2.8 in    0700 AM 03/06   37.81N/107.66W/9287
Steamboat Springs 5.3 WNW    2.8 in    0700 AM 03/06   40.51N/106.91W/6694
Avon 2N                      2.8 in    0600 AM 03/07   39.67N/106.55W/8200
Oak Creek 0.4 W              2.5 in    0700 AM 03/06   40.27N/106.96W/7472
Oak Creek 0.4 W              2.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.27N/106.96W/7472
Glenwood Spgs 0.64S          2.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.54N/107.33W/5824
Gunnison 6.6N                2.4 in    0700 AM 03/07   38.64N/106.94W/7941
Steamboat Springs 5.3 WNW    2.3 in    1100 AM 03/06   40.51N/106.91W/6705
Gunnison 6.6N                2.2 in    0700 AM 03/06   38.64N/106.94W/7941
Steamboat Springs 1.1E       2.1 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.48N/106.81W/7164
Craig 4SW                    2.1 in    0700 AM 03/06   40.45N/107.61W/6440
Monticello                   2.0 in    0700 AM 03/07   37.87N/109.35W/7081
Steamboat Springs 2.5N       2.0 in    0700 AM 03/06   40.51N/106.82W/7004
Redstone 4.9 N               2.0 in    0800 AM 03/07   39.25N/107.24W/6840
Avon 2N                      2.0 in    0600 AM 03/06   39.67N/106.55W/8200
Vail 2.1 ENE                 2.0 in    0800 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.32W/8359
Ouray 0.23NNW                1.8 in    0706 AM 03/07   38.03N/107.67W/7735
Ouray                        1.8 in    0706 AM 03/07   38.03N/107.67W/7718
Glenwood Springs 7.2S        1.8 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.44N/107.31W/6914
Yampa 5.1S                   1.7 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.08N/106.89W/8489
Vail 0.9WNW                  1.7 in    0700 AM 03/06   39.65N/106.40W/8172
Vail 0.9WNW                  1.7 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.40W/8172
Cedaredge 3.5 N              1.7 in    0700 AM 03/07   38.95N/107.94W/6815
Yampa 5.1S                   1.6 in    0715 AM 03/06   40.08N/106.89W/8489
Glenwood Springs 7.2S        1.6 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.44N/107.31W/6914
Steamboat Springs 0.6NNW     1.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.49N/106.82W/6812
Glenwood Springs 1.7NW       1.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.57N/107.35W/6050
Edwards 1.3WNW               1.5 in    0645 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.62W/7156
Edwards 0.5 E                1.5 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.59W/7213
Edwards 1WNW                 1.5 in    0723 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.62W/7000
Pagosa Springs 8.5 WNW       1.4 in    0800 AM 03/07   37.34N/107.15W
Glenwood Springs 2SSE        1.3 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.51N/107.32W/5947
Edwards 0.5 E                1.3 in    0700 AM 03/06   39.65N/106.59W/7213
Carbondale 5.7E              1.3 in    0710 AM 03/07   39.40N/107.11W/6427
Pagosa Springs 7.6 SE        1.3 in    0700 AM 03/07   37.19N/106.92W
Glenwood Springs 5.3SSE      1.2 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.48N/107.29W/5941
Vail 2.6E                    1.2 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.33W/8389
El Jebel 0.8 W               1.2 in    0800 AM 03/07   39.40N/107.10W/6454
Pagosa Springs 6.7 ENE       1.1 in    0800 AM 03/07   37.29N/106.90W/8230
Monticello 0.4 SW            1.0 in    0700 AM 03/07   37.87N/109.34W
2 SSW Telluride              1.0 in    0721 AM 03/06   37.91N/107.83W/11229
Hayden 1.6 SW                1.0 in    0700 AM 03/07   40.47N/107.29W/6534
15 W Montrose                1.0 in    0716 AM 03/07   38.46N/108.16W/7603
Altenbern, DeBeque 15SE      1.0 in    0700 PM 03/06   39.50N/108.38W/5637
Carbondale 0.5W              1.0 in    0630 AM 03/07   39.40N/107.22W/6170
Carbondale 4.6NNE            1.0 in    0700 AM 03/07   39.46N/107.18W/6520
Glenwood Springs 5.9 S       1.0 in    0725 AM 03/07   39.46N/107.32W/6479
Vail 2.1 ENE                 1.0 in    0800 AM 03/06   39.65N/106.32W/8359
Vail 2.1 ENE                 1.0 in    0800 AM 03/07   39.65N/106.32W/8359
Paonia 1.5 N                 1.0 in    0840 AM 03/07   38.89N/107.59W

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
