Flood Potential Outlook
Issued by NWS Glasgow, MT
Issued by NWS Glasgow, MT
034 FGUS75 KGGW 261300 ESFGGW MTC019-021-033-055-069-071-079-083-085-091-105-109-010000- Hydrologic Outlook National Weather Service Glasgow MT 600 AM MST Wed Feb 26 2025 ...WARM WEATHER THROUGH THE WEEKEND WILL INCREASE RUNOFF FROM SNOWMELT, LEADING TO A POSSIBLE RISE IN STREAMS AND MINOR FLOODING... Where: All of Northeast Montana. When: Through the end of February. What: A ridge will bring temperatures to above average through the end of this weekend. Although, temperatures each night will drop near or below freezing. Warm daytime temperatures will increase snowmelt and lead to ponding in low lying areas. New Precipitation is not expected until Monday to Monday night when temperatures will drop back to near normal. Make sure to monitor the latest weather forecast, as well as local streams and rivers at weather.gov/ggw and water.noaa.gov/wfo/ggw. $$ GAH