Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Flagstaff, AZ

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NOUS45 KFGZ 190321

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ
821 PM MST Tue Mar 18 2025


***Gusts 40 MPH or higher included***

Location                     Speed     Time/Date
Springerville Airport        66 MPH    0235 AM 03/18
I-40 @ Lupton                61 MPH    1033 AM 03/18
I-40 @ Two Guns MM 230       59 MPH    0123 AM 03/18
Sr-260 @ Mp-378              59 MPH    1203 PM 03/18
Winslow Airport              58 MPH    0111 AM 03/18
St. Johns Airport            58 MPH    0558 AM 03/18
Snowbowl                     55 MPH    1246 AM 03/18
Window Rock Airport          55 MPH    0944 AM 03/18
I-40 @ Petrified Forest N P  53 MPH    0352 PM 03/18
I-40 @ Jack Rabbit MM 270    52 MPH    1253 PM 03/18
Hwy 277 - 377 Intersection   51 MPH    0553 AM 03/18
SR 264 @ Summit MM 466       49 MPH    1203 PM 03/18
Pinedale                     49 MPH    0438 AM 03/18
Page Airport                 48 MPH    0317 AM 03/18
Alpine                       46 MPH    1116 AM 03/18
Flagstaff Airport            46 MPH    0450 AM 03/18
Show Low Airport             46 MPH    0535 AM 03/18
Bellemont                    45 MPH    0237 AM 03/18
Prescott Valley              45 MPH    0130 AM 03/18
Prescott Airport             45 MPH    0103 AM 03/18
Taylor Airport               45 MPH    0535 PM 03/18
I-40 @ Pine Springs MM 159   43 MPH    1213 AM 03/18
Petrified Forest National Pa 43 MPH    1235 PM 03/18
2.2 S Holbrook (JE-FULLER)   43 MPH    0631 AM 03/18
Williams Airport             43 MPH    1215 AM 03/18
Greer                        43 MPH    0635 AM 03/18
Kykotsmovi                   43 MPH    0413 PM 03/18
Happy Jack                   42 MPH    0522 AM 03/18
Concho                       42 MPH    1241 PM 03/18
Bright Angel Point N. Rim    42 MPH    0407 AM 03/18
Piney Hill                   42 MPH    0941 AM 03/18
Grand Canyon Airport         41 MPH    0221 AM 03/18
Fraziers Well                40 MPH    0227 AM 03/18

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
